Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Clauses Applied In Online Newspaper Named THE TELEGRAPH

1.1 Background of Study Clause is
an important part of sentence because sentence is combined from  some clauses. Therefore, understanding the
ways to combine clauses into sentence  will
be very helpful to write interesting and lively sentences. It means that
combining  incorrect clauses can make the
message of sentence unclear. Moreover, the ability of  someone in getting the message of sentences in
reading a passage will depend on his  understanding
to differ the functions of clauses in sentence. So, it is very important  to understand clause because it is the
ultimate element that makes it possible for  anyone to write, read, or speak in English
clearly and effectively.
 The most natural of sentence structure is
called clause or simple sentence.
 Goran (1976:58) states that a clause is having
typically a subject and predicate and  possibly
complement to these segments. A period such as "sit down!" would also
 consist of a clause although no segment
which could be called a subject is present.
 While, Langan (2003:100) states that clause is
a group of word that has a subject and  a
verb and must express a complete thought. By analyzing these two definitions,
it  can be concluded that;  a.  A
clause must have a subject b.  A clause
must have a verb c.  A clause must have a
complete thought (it has meaning) McClelland and Marcotte (2003:232) state that
there are two types of clause,  namely
independent clause and dependent clause. An independent clause is complete  in itself, whereas dependent clause is necessarily
related to an independent clause   and
dependent clause always started by a conjunction Downing (1995:11). This  means that dependent clause already has a
clear meaning and it does not give any  question.
On the other hand, dependent clause does not have a clear meaning. That  makes people submit a question to get more
information. Compare these two clauses;  a.  Ronaldo failed  to convert the penalty shoot out in the
Champions League  semifinal last night.
The meaning is clear (Ronaldo did not score the penalty  shoot). So, this is independent clause.
 b.  When
Ronaldo failed to convert the penalty shoot out in the Champions League  last night. The meaning is not clear. It
raises another question (What happened  when
Ronaldo failed to convert the penalty shoot out in the Champions League  last night?) So, this is dependent clause.
 Independent clause is also called main clause,
dependent clause is called  subordinate
clause. These clauses are often applied in compound sentence, complex  sentences, or compound-complex sentence.
Compound sentence is a sentence  contains
of one or more sentences joined into one by punctuation of semicolon, a  conjunctive adverb, and a coordinate or
subordinate conjunction Frank (1972:01)  state
that. In a complex sentence, one idea is generally more important than the
other  one. The more important idea is
placed in the independent clause, and the less  important idea is placed in the dependent
clause. It means complex sentence should  consist of at least one independent clause and
one dependent clause.
 The object of this study is newspaper.
Newspaper is media that provides any  information
for people everyday. So, it is the most readable printed media compared  to other kinds of printed  information such as books or magazines. In
the past,  newspaper was only provided in
printed version. But, in this  th century
supported   by the advanced technology
newspaper is also provided with online version. This  thesis uses online newspaper as the main
object of this study because:  1.  Online newspaper is the most read writing
that it could influence people  grammatically.
 2.  It
is found that there have been many studies which used printed newspaper as  the object of study.
Online newspaper is very easy to access; you can easily access it when
you are at  home, lying at your bed,
waiting for your bus, or just spending your time.
Because it is easy to access, people are more interested to read online
newspaper  than printed newspaper now
 The Telegraph is one of kind of newspaper
which has online version. And  The
Telegraph of football articles issued on  th February 2012 are chosen as the  source of data for this thesis because of
these reasons; 1.  The articles of The
Telegraph are very interesting to read because the mixture of  independent clause and dependent clause used
are very good.
 2.  The
Telegraph is one of the most well-known newspapers internationally because  of premier league news it provides both in
printed or online version.
Football is the most popular sport now days, so it is likely that
football articles  are the most read
 4.  It
is very often that it quotes the words of interviewees such as managers of club
 or football players. The writer often
adds the quotation with his words without  putting the correct punctuation. So, if
someone does not really understand the use  of clauses, he will be confused to get the
meaning of the quotation. For example:  "…
Of the victory, Wenger added: Arsenal needed a draw level quickly, and they  did, Martesacker’s replacement, Aaron Ramsey,
finding a shot which went in off   the
inside of both posts just five minutes later."After "they did"
should be ended  by period not a coma.
 1.2 Problems of Study The problems of study
are:  1. 
What types of clause are found in Telegraph E-paper issued on  th  February  2012?  2.  How many clauses are applied in the Telegraph
E-paper issued on  th February  2012?  3.  What is the most dominant clause applied? 1.3
Purposes of Study The purposes of study are:  1.  To
describe the types of clauses applied in Telegraph E-paper issued on  th February 2012?  2.  To
find out the number of clauses applied in Telegraph E-paper issued on  th February 2012?  3.  To
find out the most dominant type of subordinate clause used in Telegraph Epaper
issued on  th February 2012?  1.4 Scope of Study This paper only discusses
about dependent clause applied in every complex  sentence inthe football articles taken from
Telegraph E-paper of sport section. The  articles
were issued on  th February 2012. There
are fourteen articles found in that  edition
namely: Day of Disgrace, Rooney heroics spoiled by Suarez, Chelsea   supporters round on Villas-Boas as team fall
to fifth, Legend Henry sign off in style,  Dalglish walks alone in defence of his
striker, Dalglish’s loyalty to Suarez has  blinded him to the repercussions to club and
sport, Holt leads the charge, Wigan  sense
salvation, Redknapp’s fairy, a crazy week at Wembley, Bent’s task: to prove  he really is a better finisher than ‘missus’,
Story goes on, Chaos? Turmoil? No,  England
are in rude health, Harry’s Euro 2012 in-tray, and Yakubu return aids  Blackburn survival cause.
 1.5 The significances of Study  The significances of study are: 1.  It improves English skill and to profound my
comprehension about the  grammatical
properties, especially complexsentence, compoundsentence, and  some related elements.
 2.  It
gives an explanation about the types of clauses and the ways to use it.
 3.  It
provides a source of study or media for anyone to study complex  and  compound

English Literature:An Analysis Of Clauses Applied In Online Newspaper Named THE TELEGRAPH

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