Rabu, 05 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Transitivity Process of Inauguration Speeches of Two Prime Ministers of Australia John Howard and Julia Gillard

1.1 Background of the Analysis Language
is one of tools of communication that human needs to share what they are thinking about. Language has so many
kinds in order that we can share something
to other people by various ways. Language has
many functions in communication, for instance, we can integrate or
separate a country by language.
There are so many ways to convey
what our thinking is, for example by speaking and writing. In this thesis, the writer will
analyze the language of two leaders in the form of speeches that were used for communication
to their society specifically, these are the president inaugural speeches delivered by
two prime ministers of Australia, i.e.
Julia Gillard and John Howard.
The writer uses president inaugural speeches for her analysis because she can
know their real vision and mission of Julia Gillard and John Howard using language in their president
inaugural speeches, what are the presidents feeling and action and how they convey their
ideas in those speeches? It is fact that a leader needs to communicate through
his order speech process because a
leader needs to share what she or he is thinking through his communication to his society by doing communication. A
leader will put political strategies and forward they practiced to his society.
Language consists of three levels
or strata, namely Phonology, Lexicogrammatical, and Discourse / Semantic.
Halliday (1978:40) says,”…. Any text represents
an actualization (a path through the system) at each level: the level of meaning, the level of saying (or wording, to
use the folk of linguistic term for the lexicogrammatical system, and of course the
level of sounding or writing. In this thesis,
the writer uses transitivity theory to analyze the speeches of Julia Gillard
and John Howard prime ministers.
The writer thinks she can explore
processes that relate to the transitivity process due to Halliday Functional System. The
writer thinks that transitivity theory is
the most suitable theory to analyze text of written speeches due to the
transitivity system.
The transitivity system
provides some types of process with own characteristics and function. The transitivity
is divided into three point, they are Participants,
processes, and circumstances. Participant is the doer that does an action in a clause. This participant will be named by
own name in each of types process of transitivity,
For example killing is a kind of material process and the participant or the doer will have different name with hearing
as the mental process. Then, processes are
actions that done by the doer or the participants based on their types, and in
those two president inaugural speeches, it portrays those aspects of
transitivity found in processes in those
two speeches, like wiseEnggins (2004:210) says that, “Transitivity construes the world of experience into a
manageable set of process types.” By transitivity
we can analyze the types of processes, what type of processes are mostly used in the text. Next, circumstances is the
background of process that done by the participants.
On the other words, circumstances can be location, time, manner, etc in which the participant does some actions.
Halliday (1994:151) quoted inThompson’s book
(1996:105) proposes nine main types of circumstantial elements. They are location, extent, manner, cause, Contingency,
accompaniment, role, matter, angle.
In this thesis, the writer explores these six
types of transitivity found in the two
president inaugural speeches, e.g. material, mental, relational, behavioral,
verbal, and existential processes.
As said previously in this
thesis, the writer discusses about president inaugural speeches of two Prime Ministers Australia,
i.e. Julia Gillard, and John Howard. These two speeches are interested to be analyzed
because the writer can find the most dominant
type of processes used by president, especially two presidents of Australia, Julia Gillard and John Howard. Then, we can make conclusion what type is commonly used by prime ministers of Australia
in president inaugural speeches. This chapter
needs to describe about the country of origin of those two prime ministers.
That is Australia.
Australia is a country that has
more 21 one million people. Indigenous people and foreign people come from more than 200
hundreds countries. The capital of Australia
is Canberra. Australia has 6 states and 2 territories; they are New South Wales, Queesland, South Australia, Tasmania,
Victoria, Western Australia, Nothern Territory,
and Australian Capital Territory. Australia uses parliamentary system in its governance. Australia forms constitutional
monarchy. Australia has queen that relating
to England is Elizabeth Queen II. Then, Australia has three big political parties.
They are labor, liberal, and national. Julia Gillard, Prime minister of
Australia now, come labor political
John Howard was born on th July 1939. He is the th prime minister of Australia. John Howard is known as the second
longest Australia prime minister after Sir
Robert Menzies. He became prime minister of Australia from th March 1996 to rd December 2007. He was from liberal party
and changed Paul Keating in1996. He has
a wife, Janneta Howard and has three children. They are Melanie, Tim, and Richard. Besides prime minister and leader of
his family, he likes doing sport, cricket and Rugby.
Julia Gillard was born on th September, 1961. She is the th prime minister of Australia and also the first woman who
became prime minister in Australia. Julia Gillard is from labor party and change Kevin
Rudd as the leader and prime minister.
Julia Gillard won the general
election in July 2010. In her vision as prime minister of Australia, she concentrates her vision in
health, education, immigration and weather changes. We know that Julia Gillard disagree
with Gay Marriage that many people do this
nowadays. She argues that marriage is only by a man and a woman.
1.2 Problems of Analysis The
problems of this analysis are: 1. How many transitivity processes that are
found in the two president inaugural
speeches of Prime Minister of Australia? 2.
What is the most dominant type of process that used in their inaugural speeches? 3. Why
it is one more dominant than the other? 1.3
Objective of the Analysis The objectives of the analysis are to: 1. Find
out transitivity processes in the two inaugural speeches of Australia Prime Minister.
2. Find out the most dominant process that used
in the two inaugural speeches of
Australia Prime Minister.
3. Find out the reason why it is more dominant
than the other.
1.4 Scope of the Analysis This
analysis focuses on transitivity
processes found in president inaugural speeches
of two Prime Ministers of Australia. They are Julia Gillard and John Howard.
1.5 Significances of Analysis In
analyzing transitivity processes, there are some significances, they are: 1. The
readers can understand how many transitivity processes that used in the two president inaugural speeches of Australia
prime minister.
2. To enrich the study of transitivity verbs.
3. Theoretically it gives information about transitivity
processes in a text and how the texts
work as they do.

English Literature:An Analysis of Transitivity Process of Inauguration Speeches of Two Prime Ministers of Australia John Howard and Julia Gillard

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