Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Figurative Expressions Found In Ecclesiastes

1.1 Background of the Analysis Language has been
used by every people in the world. It is become a general statement when we say that language is a great
part of human being life. It is the most
important and characteristic form of human behavior. Gleason (1998:2) says “Language is so basic to our existence that
life without words is difficult to envision
because speaking, reading, and writing are such fundamental aspects of our daily life, they seem to be ordinary
skill.” It means that human can not be separated from the language since the
language is a primarily tools of communication
to be used. It is used to express reaction to certain situation, to convey our feelings, ideas, thought and
emotion. Even it is also used to communicate
and share information to other.
As we know, human is a social
creature and language can helps them to build
and facilitate the relationship with others and help them to understand world events, the art and science. Jackson (1988:49)
states “Human beings have been given the
capacity to talk, to communicate with each other, to make meaningful utterance so that they are understood by other
human beings.” This statement shows that
human has a wonderful ability to communicate by using words which differentiate human being from animal and
other living things. Language may refer
either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication. Bollinger (1975:14) has defined “Language is
a system of vocal auditory
communication, interacting with the experiences of its user, employing conventional signs composed of
arbitrary patterned sound units and
assembled according to set rules.” This definition shows that language is a system of communication in vocal auditory
form, what human beings want to talk about
into the sounds that are heard or the written symbols that are read.
Language has been regarded as a
science called linguistics. Hartman (1972:132)
states that linguistics as a field of study and the object is language. As a science, linguistics concerns itself with
all aspects relating to language and studies
it from all of theoretical viewpoints described above. Linguistics isdivided into
some parts of discipline knowledge. They are phonology, morphology, semantics, and syntax.
Semantics is a branch of
linguistics that talks about meaning in language.
Considering that language is a
tool to conveying the meaning, it means that when we study a language we are also study about
the meaning automatically. In semantics,
meaning divided into two parts, literal and non-literal (figurative expression). Literal meaning refers to words
that do not deviate from their defined meaning
or words in literal expressions denote what
they mean according to common or
dictionary usage. Non-literal meaning (figurative expression) means that there are different means from the real
meaning of the word. The words in figurative
expressions connote—they add layers of meaning.
Figurative expression is an
object that the writer will analyze. It is because in figurative
expression(non-literal meaning), the listener is often feel confusing to understand what the speaker means from his
words. For example: The boy hurts her
heart. From this sentence, it does not mean that the boy have hurt the girl by using something sharp tools but it
means he makes the girl sad or disappointed.
Figurative expression departs from literal meaning to achieve a special effect or meaning and it has done by
techniques called figures of speech.
There are some most common kinds
of figure of speech; Hyperbole, an exaggeration
that is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true; Irony, which expresses a meaning contradictory
to the stated one; Metaphor, which
states a fact or draws a verbal picture by the use of comparison; Personification, a figure of speech in which
human characteristics are given to an animal
or an object; Simile, which is used to compare one object or idea with another to suggest they are alike; Synecdoche,
which mentions a part of something to
suggest the whole; Metonymy, the name of thing is substituted for another closely associated with it.
The source of the data in this
thesis is taken from The Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the holy book used by Christian
people as a means to convey God’s message.
The Holy Bible is consists of two big parts, they are The Old Testament and The New Testament. The Old Testament
contains 39 books written from approximately
1500 to 400 BC. It told about the life journey of Israel before the birth of Jesus Christ. The New Testament
contains 27 books written from approximately
40 to 90 AD. It told about God’s promise to forgive the sin of His race from their sins by giving His son, Jesus
In doing this thesis, the writer
will analyze one chapter of the Holy Bible that is Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes is one part
of The Old Testament that most likely applies
to King Salomon. The letter was written in unique style of writing because many
sentences in Ecclesiastes contain meanings beyond the literal meaning.
Below is an
example of expression taken from Ecclesiastes that contains figurative expression: 1. Do not be quick with your mouth; do not be
hasty in your heart to utter anything
before God The example shows ‘mouth’ and ‘hearth’ looks like can walk as a
human being by using word ‘quick’ and
‘hasty’. The expression above means that we have to be careful in doing everything.
The reason in choosing data from
the Ecclesiastes because it is interested and the writer want to know the interpretation
of meaning between the literal and non-literal
contained in Ecclesiastes so that can be applied in the life.
1.2 Problems of the Analysis The problems of the
Analysis of this thesis are: 1. How many types of figurative expressions are
there in the Holy Bible: Ecclesiastes? 2. What types of figurative expression that
can be found in the Holy Bible
especially in Ecclesiastes? 3. Which one
of the types of figurative expression in Ecclesiastes is dominant? 4. Why
such type of figurative expression becomes dominant? 1.3 Objectives of the Analysis Related to the
problems of the analysis, the objective of this analysis are:
1. To find out the numbers of figurative
expression type in the Holy Bible
especially in Ecclesiastes 2 To find out
the dominant type of figurative expression in Ecclesiastes 3. To find out the reasons why such type of
figurative expressions becomedominant.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Figurative Expressions Found In Ecclesiastes

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