Rabu, 05 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Verb Phrase Used In Selected Politic Articles Of Jakarta Post

1.1 Background of the Analysis Language
is a means of communication. Through language the people is
able to communicate each other. Language is used to
express ideas, thoughts, and information and so Robert (15:1962) says, “We
use language in order to communicate one
with another, to express our personal reactions to situation, to stimulate a response in someone
else, and for the sake of thinking something
out. Language may be as a means of conveying something that the user of the language wants to convey. In the wider sense the word
language is used as to cover any means
used to convey emotion and thoughts”. Sapir (1949:8) says that language is purely human
and non instinctive method of community
ideas, emotions, and desire by means of a system of voluntary produced symbols language purely human and non
instinctive method because language is the most
frequently used and the most highly
developed form of human
communication. Language is a distinctly human instrument, although animals produce sounds and noises,
the human language alone is articulated into words and alone is capable of expressing
an infinitives thoughts. Moreover
Kemenade (2006:70) says, “A language basically like a reference grammar plus dictionary. It is a
stock of items and a system of rules for
combining those items into sentences of the language”.
There are so many languages in the world. One
of the International languages is English. It is very important
for us to learn English, because to communicate
with foreign people we use English. Many books, mass media, technology such as computer, notebook and
other forms use English in their application.
Wardiman (1987:214) says, “It is estimated that more than more than 270,000,000 people in the world today
speak English as one of chef languages
of the world plays an important part in international diplomacy, commerce, and finance” In order to communicate
English well, we should have English proficiency both in written and spoken. It considered that
written English is more difficult than
spoken English. Moreover, to better in written English we must know English grammar first. Grammar is the most
important thing in learning English.
Studying grammar enables us to use English correctly. Biber et all (2002:2) say, “every time we write or speak,
we are faced with a largely array of
choices: not only choices what to say, but how say it. The vocabulary and grammar that we use to communicate are
influenced by a number of factors such
as reason for communication, the setting, the people we are addressing, and whether we are speaking or writing. Taken
together, these choices give rise to
systematic patterns of choices in the use of English grammar”.
Moreover they add “Traditionally, such
patterns have not been included as a part
of grammar. Most of grammars have focused on structure, describing the form and (sometimes) meaning of grammatical
constructions out of context”.
And also Sinclair and Coulhard(1975:27) say, “
grammar is concerned with the formal
properties of an item, discourse with the functional properties, with what the speaker is using the item for”. In
English there is no sentence without verb”.
According Biber.et all (2002: 103) verbs provide the focal point of the clause. Verbs can be grouped in to three
major classes according to their ability
to function as main verbs or auxiliary verbs Lexical verbs (e.g. run, eat,
think) function as main verbs (full verbs) e.g.: Children and dog ran from side
to side He barely ate or slept that night •
Primary verbs (be, have, and do) can function as both auxiliary and main verbs  Primary verbs as main verbs function: e.g.: He does my washing His dad was an art
professor Every atom has a dense nucleus  Primary verbs as auxiliary function (with
main verb underlined) e.g.:
He doesn’t look at the numbers He
was wearing a dark ski mask A particular combination of result has occurred • Modal verbs (can, could, shall, should, will,
would, may, might, must) function only
as auxiliary verbs e.g.: People thought
he might have been joking He would probably like it softer And also Biber et.al(2002:41) says, “in
general semantic nature of phrase is to specify
and/or elaborate meaning of the head word” Biber et.al (2002:42) say that, verb phrase is
a phrase with a verb as its head. Verb
phrase have a lexical verb or primary verb as their head (i.e.
their main verb). The main verb can stand
alone or be preceded by one or more
auxiliary verbs. The auxiliaries further define the action, state, or process denoted by the main verbs. Verb
phrases are the essential part of clause,
referring to a type of state or action.
The writer chooses the title for her thesis
“An analysis of verb phrase used in some
articles in Jakarta Post” because verb phrase one of the most important in constructing a sentence, so
that is why writer interested in it, and
has a willing to analyze. In this thesis writer takes data from some politic articles in Jakarta post newspaper,
because the writer also like politic and
follow politic itself. The writer
chooses the data from Jakarta Post Newspaper, because Jakarta post newspaper is
the largest English language newspaper in Indonesia.
1.2. Problem of the Analysis 1. What kinds of
Verb phrase used in some politic articles used of Jakarta Post Newspaper? 2. What is the most dominant kind
of verb phrase used in some politic
articles of Jakarta Post newspaper? 3. What is the function of verb phrase use in
politic article of Jakarta Post
Newspaper? 1.3 Objectives of the
Analysis Derived from the problem of the analysis, writer want: 1. To find out kinds of Verb Phrase used in
Jakarta Post, especially in politic articles 2.
To find the most dominant kind of Verb phrase used of Jakarta Post Newspaper.
3. To
find out the function of verb phrase used of Jakarta Post Newspaper 1.4 Scope of the analysis The scope of this
thesis is about verb phrase. To avoid overlapping, and misleading discussion, will analyze only
three of sixth kinds of verb phrase,
those are: tense, aspect, and voice, in politics article of Jakarta post Newspaper. The writer chooses the editions of
Jakarta post randomly, in order to know
about different politic situation in each edition. Those are: th September, nd , th
, th , th , th
October 2010 edition. One politic articles each edition.
1.5 Significances of the Analysis The writer
hopes that the result of this analysis would be made a conclusion on politics article in Jakarta post
The writer also hopes that, this analysis is
useful for the readers of Jakarta Post
newspaper. And then the writer hopes this analysis be useful to the editor of Jakarta post newspaper.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Verb Phrase Used In Selected Politic Articles Of Jakarta Post

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