Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru By Nyonya Suwarni A.S

1.1 Background of the Study We
live in the big and wide world that consists of many countries. Every country has their own language which is
different from others. It means that there are many languages in this world. Language as
means of communication has been used by
human being for thousand years. The human being uses
language to communicate to others and
convey their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. One thing that can not be denied is the diversity of
language. The diversity of the language can
be a problem in communication, especially in international communication.
As human being feels curious is
part of life. Because of this curiosity, we are always eager to know anything
happened in the world. One of the ways to fulfill this curiosity is reading magazine,
newspaper or browsing internet. But, when
the magazine, newspaper, and internet are written in different language from ours, it can be the problem for us to read and
understand them. So, the way to solve this
problem is translation.
Translation means transferring
the meaning of the source language into receptor
language (Larson 1984:3). While Catford (1965: 1) defines translation is the replacement of textual material in one
language (SL) by equivalent textual material
in another language (TL). From the definition above, it can be concluded that translation is the process of
transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language.

Process of translation is reproducing the natural equivalent of the
source language (SL) message especially
in terms of meaning and style (Nida and Taber 1969:12) in (Kongres Nasional Penerjemahan
(2003:36). There must be correspondence
of meaning between source language (SL) and target language (TL). A translator should have a perfect
knowledge both of the source language and the target language.
Of course, it is not easy for the
translator to make natural translation and has the exactly same meaning with the source
language. And it can be a difficulty for the translator in doing translation,
because every language is different from others as Nida (in Venuti 2000:126) states that there
are no two identical languages, either in the
meaning or in the structures. While Simatupang (1999:88) argues that “Setiap bahasa mempunyai aturan-aturan
sendiri, aturan-aturan yang berlaku pada
suatu bahasa belum tentu berlaku pada bahasa lain”. (Each language has their own rule which occurs in one language
but not for others).
With regard to the ideas of Nida
and Simatupang, it can be concluded that there is no absolutely correspondence between
languages; therefore, a translator is expected
to be able to adjust the meaning or structure of source language to the appropriate meaning or structure in target
language and to produce the natural translation.
The possible way to adjust the
meaning or the structure of two different languages is by making shifts. Vinay and
Darbelnet (in Newmark 1988:85) state, “Shifts
is a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from source language into target language”. While
Delabatista (in Kesuma 2009:1) states, “the term shift is used in translation to refer to
changes which may occur in proses of translation”.
The term shift firstly introduced by J.C. Catford. Catford (1965:73) states that shift is departs from formal
correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL. Catford divided shifts into
two major types; they are level shift and
category shift. And category shifts is divided into four types, they are
structure shifts, class shifts, unit
shifts, and intra system shifts.
The shift is done by the
translator in order to establish equivalent and the exact meaning or structure in target language
so that the translation could be natural and communicative. If the translator does not
do the shifts, then he/she preserves the
form of the source language, the result or the product of the translation might
not be good, rigid, and inflexible, and
it will make the readers confused and even the translation would lead them to the wrong
In this thesis the writer wants
to analyze one of the types of category shifts, that is
the unit shifts. Unit shifts is also
called rank shifts. Catford in (Munday 2001:61)
states “Unit shifts or rank shifts are shifts where the translation equivalent in the TL is at different rank to the SL.
‘Rank’ here refers to the hierarchical linguistic
units of sentence, clause, group, word and morpheme”. Unit shifts are done because an idea or expression which is ally
conveyed in word level in SL must be
conveyed in phrase level in TL. In another word unit shifts deals to the change of rank from the source language to the
target language.
The source of data in this thesis
is The Mystery of the Blue Train novel and its translation Misteri Kereta Api Biru. The
data are sentences that contain the unit shifts found in the translation of
Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni

The following are some examples of unit shifts the writer finds after
reading the novel and it’s translation
at a glance: ST: It was close on
midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde.
TT: Menjelang tengah malam
seorang laki-laki menyebrangi Place de la Concorde From the example above, the clause it was
close in source text is translated into
word menjelang in the target text. It means that there is a change of rank from
clause to word.
ST: “The American is punctual”,
said Olga with a glance at the clock.
TT: “Orang Amerika itu benar-benar tepat waktu”, kata Olga
sambil melihat jam.
From the examples above, it can
be seen there are two changes of rank.
Both of them are from word to
phrase. The first one the word American in ST is translated into phrase orang Amerika in TT,
and the second one the word punctual is
translated into tepat waktu.
The fact that the translator
faces the condition that forces him/her to make shifts especially the unit shifts or hierarchy
unit of language to keep the meanings constant
so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively makes me interested in analyzing the unit
shifts which ally occurred in the translation
from English to Bahasa Indonesia.

English Literature:An Analysis of Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru By Nyonya Suwarni A.S

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