1.1 Background of Study Literature is one of the expressions of life
that cannot be separated from human
life. The study of literature is a good way to help people to understand the
life, because literature is the
principle element of people’s culture. It contains the record of the people’s values, thought, problems,
conflict and social relationship. In short, what literature talk is about the life of human
being. Good literature is always interesting to be read. Graham Little said in Approach to
Literature, “Literature adds to our own understanding
of life in the world ground us. It embodies thought and feeling on matters of human importance” (Little, 1966:2).
Supported by the above quotation,
the thesiswriter thinks that literary works give him very useful values to understand life
because it can guide him to conduct a better
attitude and help him to understand himself and others. Therefore, the thesis writer decides to study literature. Literature
and humanity are always related to each other
because literature reflects the activity of human life in the society.
Literature is social phenomenon.
The creation of literature isa social act. In other word, literature is social activity. In
literature, the author describes human beings
as individual and social cultures as well. A social culture, they cannot live alone and have to create social interaction
with other in order to form the unity in the society. In short, what literature talks about
is based on social phenomenon.
Literature is divided into three
types. Those are prose fictions, poetry, and drama. According to Graham Little (1966:67)The
Literary Work Can Be Classified Into
Three Those Are Novel, Poetry, And Drama. Novel as a work of a literature is one of the largest literary form, and novel
tends to have fairly complex structure, in which is some of the following elements are suitable
for discussion such as setting, characters,
conflict, language and theme.A novel creates a whole imaginative world through description and dialogue and it
canexplore the basic of human issues.
Besides, the novel can be used as
vehicle for expressing of social, even politic and belief. There are some novelists who
usednovels partly as vehicle for their expressing
of social life such as Harriet Beecher Stove, Charles Dickens, and H.G Well.
The thesis writer is interested
in a novel, because novel is made up of series event in part of subtitle and arranged in such
way that be social problems in the story are considered to be interested and easy to be
understood. Because of the reason above,
the thesis writer is interested in analyzing the novel. The thesis writer
chooses Steinbeck’s novel entitled The
Pearlbecause that novel is describing some aspects of social interaction that appears cooperation,
competition and conflict.
John Steinbeck is the best
American novelist. His novel is not only famous in American literature but also considered as the
best novel in English literature.
Besides, The Pearl, there are
some John Steinbeck’s famous novels such as East of Eden, The Grapes of Worth, Travel with Charley.
Concerning with the statement
above, Leonard Linger in a Collection of Literary Biographies that: “Steinbeck, the analyst and criticof society
hand in his time to refute many changes
of bias against democracy and the American
way of life. Consider of his work on this level of its interest way well begin with a listing of
the kinds of influence he did not aspire
to exert. He was never a radical thinker,
pamphleteer, agitator, communist, or fellow traveler” (1974:63) “He also nourished within himself the
attitudes toward social reform that were
growing slowly in the national consciousness
of time. His protest, his rejection as well as his affirmative convictions about the hope for
generation, were exactly those that have
been taken up by leaders of opinion in
later day enabling them, as teachers, theorist, and legislator, to change our concerning human
right. (1974:63) For the source of his
study, the thesis writer is interested in the description of Steinbeck that, talks about the life of
characters in their society which is shown through the human relationship, the idea of
humanity, hopes, dreams, the realities and how to solve the problems of live, the pastand
the future life. And in the study, the writer
decides to discuss social interaction as seen in John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.
2.1 Statements of the Problems From the background of the study presented
above, it can be seen that the novel
cannot be separated from social life. In this study, there are some problems
that are good to analyze. The thesis
writer wants to analyze two problems, they are: 1. What
are social interactions shown in the story? 2. How
does social interaction influence the Kino's family life in the story? 1.3 Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are
basicallydivided into the statement of the problems stated before. Therefore the
thesiswriter intends to find out and describe social interaction in the story and the
influences that will be discussed in Chapter IV.
1.4 Significance of the study The researcher really hopes that it can give
the contribution for literature study,
which is specially related to the study of sociologicalliterary. The researcher
hopes that useful for the researcher
literarystudents of Humanity and Culture Faculty and for the people who are interested in
analyzing novel especially focused on the study of extrinsic elements.
1.5 Scope and Limitation John Steinbeck’s The Pearlis built with
intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements.
We can analyze the novel from intrinsic elements such as finding out the theme, character, plot, setting and point of
view. One of important elements in novel is character; it is one of the basic elements
of the novel, because without the character will not be a plot and no play anymore. Smith
(http:// depts. galludet.
States that character is the person or people presented by the writer, in work of narrative
or drama, who conveys their personal qualities
through dialogue and action by the reader or audience understand their feeling, intention and material. On the other
hand, from extrinsic elements we can find
politic, economic, sociological (social interaction), religion, culture and psychological aspects.
Based on the explanation above,
the writer limits his study to the extrinsic elements. However in discussion only on social
interaction. By his consideration that novel
covers large number of sociological aspects, the thesis writer limits him study
on social interaction.
1.6 The Organization of the Study
The Organization of the Study is divided
into five Chapters. The general review
of all discussion is in Chapter I.Chapter I state the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the objectives
of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of key
The theoretical background is
discussed in chapter II. In this chapter the thesis writer describes the theories that concern
with the discussion of the study.
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