Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Formal Links Used in the English Translation of Shahih Bukhari


This section includes background of the study,
research problems, objectives of the
study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and definition of the
key term. Each of the items is discussed
clearly as follows: 1.1 Background of the Study Language is important in human
life as a tool of communication. “Language is at heart of human life” (Cook,2003,p.3). Human
being as social creature cannot live alone
in this world. They need a tool to communicate each other using a language.

“Language is used for
communication” (Lim, 1975, p.1). It is used to communicate with other people and expose our idea,
feeling, and thought through our statement.

Language determines and
influences our attitudes and actions. The statement that we expose should be systematic structure in order
to ignore misunderstanding in communication.
That is why this world is constructed by language. Without language people can do nothing. “Without it, many of
our most important activities are in conceivable”
(Cook, 2003, p.3). How we can deliver and discuss what in our mind if we do not have the tool to deliver and discuss
it. By using language, people can use more
than one language to deliver their idea. They also can translate one language
to other language. So, it enables people
to discover and enrich knowledge.

Translating the text from one language into
other language is not easy.

Language-users interpret what
other language-users intend to convey. “We attempt to arrive at a reasonable interpretation of what
the writer intended to convey. It is this effort to interpret (and to be interpret), and
how we accomplish it, that are the key elements
investigated in the study of discourse. To arrive at an interpretation, and to make our message interpretable, we certainly
rely on what we know about linguistic form
and structure, (Yule,1985,p.105). The translators have to use the correct grammar and build the connectedness and unity
between word and word, phrase and phrase,
clause and clause, sentence and sentence, and paragraph and paragraph of the text. To make the texts connected and united,
formal links are the important devices that
are used to connect sentences in a text. These devices help the readers
understand text easily. The use of
formal links mostly exists in both written and spoken text. The existence of formal links is important in
interpreting a message of the text. If the usages of formal links do not connect between
sentences, the readers and hearers will be
difficult to understand the messages of the text. But most of the writers and speakers who produce the text do not
understand about the existence of these devices.

So, it is important to us to know
the kind of formal links and how to use it correctly in making the connectedness and unity of the text.

Formal links are required in
connecting sentences and clauses within a text.

“Formal links are fact inside
language or features that operates within sentence” (Cook,1989,p.14). Formal link is used to
understand correct and incorrect sentences.

It is important part to make the written texts
easy to be understood by the readers.

Cook stated that in order to
account for discourse, we need to look at features outside the language: at the situation, the people
involved, what they know and what they are doing. These facts enable us to construct
stretches of language as discourse; as having a meaning and a unity for us. The way we
recognize correct and incorrect sentences is different. We can do this through our
knowledge or grammar without reference to outside facts (1989, p.14). It means that to
recognize correct and incorrect sentences we need to look at features inside language or
formal link that refers to facts inside language
not facts outside language. Recognizing correct and incorrect sentences can do through our knowledge or grammar.

Formal link is to make the
sentences or clauses cohesive, “Formal link between sentences or clauses is known as cohesive
devices”, (Cook, 1989, p.14). The existence
of formal link is to know whether the text is well-written or not, “Analysis of cohesive links within a text gives us some insight
into how writers structure what they
want to say, and may be crucial factors in our judgments on whether something is well-written or not” (Yule, 1985, p.106).
Formal links in the text will make sentences
connected and united. They have 7 aspects: verb form, parallelism, referring expression, repetition,
substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. They will help to know the text is well-written or not. So,
the readers know how writers structure well-written or not.

The researcher thinks that it is very
important to study formal links in the written
text especially in the English translation of Shahih Bukhari. Shahih Bukhari consists of hadiths which are collected by
Al-Bukhari. It is more complete hadith than other hadith.
The researcher chooses Shahih Bukhari because there is very rich of formal links. It indicated by using a kind of
formal links, for example the use of referring
expression “he” that refers to Prophet Muhammad because the hadiths are from the Prophet that narrated by others.
Beside that, the most of Sunni Muslims believe
that it is the most trusted collection of hadiths. The hadiths become the important source of Islamic law after holy Quran. They explain about Islamic laws from God through Prophets tradition. “And whatever the Apostle (i.e. Muhammad) gives you, take it and whatever he forbids
you, abstain (from it)” (QS. 59:7) and also Almighty Allah said: Say (O Muhammad!): “If
you (mankind) really love Allah, then follow
me.” (QS. 3:31). Hadiths explains about the rules clearly. They contain Islamic law as complication of Holy Quran. They usually explain the difficult verses of holy Quran to be
easier to understand. Especially in the Chapter 8 that explain about prayer. There are many variations of
formal links than other chapter. Besides, prayer is the communication to God.
When people prayer, they always use language.

Because prayer is the important
thing to do in Islamic religion, people have to understand the rules about prayer. It may not
to misunderstand the hadith. So, formal links
will help to understand texts in hadiths about prayer. The researcher believes that the English translation of Shahih bukhari
by Mukhsin Khan is very important to be
known by people all over the world about the content of the translation. Formal
links are needed to relate part in the
text so the reader does not slip the information and messages or the ideas given. So, the
misunderstanding between sentences can be decreased.

Considering to the reason above,
the researcher needs to strengthen the importance
of this study which discuss about formal links in the Shahih Bukhari. The researcher will explore about the use of
formal links by using theory of Guy Cook.

The researcher will find out what
the kinds of formal links used in Shahih Bukhari and how the formal links contribute to the
connectedness and unity within the text. In addition, in order to get the data of this
study the researcher will analyze the text of Shahih Bukhari which contents a lot of formal
links that can be analyzed deeply through
the subject of discourse analysis.

English Literature:An Analysis of Formal Links Used in the English Translation of Shahih Bukhari

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