Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Syntactic Analysis on Abdallah Yousuf Ali ’s English Translation of Surah AL- Rahman by Using Diane Bornstain ‘s Theory of Tree Diagram

This section includes background
of the study, research problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and
limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms. Each of the items is
clearly discussed clearly as the following: 1. Background of the Study Language
is the key
of civilization. Human
being cannot build
the civilization without language
because through the
language they can
develop their knowledge
and technology.
Furthermore, language is as
communication with other people and expose our idea, feeling, idea, and though through our statement. The
statement that they expose should be systematic structure in order to ignore misunderstanding in
Language is a system of arbitrary
vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates (Lyon, 1984 : 3-4). By using language, people
can discover and enrich knowledge and technology.
Besides, people use language to
send message by letters, and to find out the inside meaning of other languages. Like, the language of Holy Qur’an
that is derived from Arabic language. People can get the meaning inside it by using translation.
Translation is the action of
interpretation of the meaning of a text, and subsequent production of
an equivalent text,
also called a
translation, that communicates
the same message
in another language. The text to be translated is called
the "source text," and the language it is to be translated into is called the "target
language"; the final product is sometimes called the "target
text." Furthermore, all of the
translations of Holly Qur’an, have grammatical rule. It contains phrase, clause,
and sentences. Each
of them must
be in language
as the structure
in order to
ignore the missunderstanding whether
translator and reader.
It is very impossible
for the existence
of translation without any
structural form. In the structural form, the message can be accepted easily and the intention can be got effectively.
When we talk about systematical
structure, we should talk about the syntax because syntax is branch of linguistic that how to form and
analyze phrase, clause, and the sentences. In this part, the statement that
translator written can be identifiedthe systematical structure, and we can find
out the characterization of
language that used
in translation. In
this case, what
kinds of the
systematical structure in that
statement which used, is vitally important to be analyzed, in order to be got
in what kinds of
systematic structure term
that used to
stress meaning. It
can be approached
by parsing (more formally:
syntactic analysis) that
is the process
of analyzing a
sequence of tokens
to determine grammatical
structure with respect to a given (more or less) formal grammar. Then, the meaning of syntax is the study of syntax
addresses the structure of sentences and their structural and functional
relationships to one another (Finegan; 2004:146).
The text of Holy Qur’an is the
God’s idea that gained from the God through the prophet that is Muhammad SAW The Qur'an consists of 114
Surah of different lengths, with a total of 6236 verses (Arabic: ayat literary meaning
"sign") (6348ayat counting all the basmalas. Moreover, the Holy Qur’an is as the guide of human being
behaviors through this text, all of the Moslems in this world try to find out the idea’s The God
trough translation of Qur’an into their own language.
The first translation of Qur’an
in west uses Latin that is as core of English translation of Qur’an. From Latin, the Qur’an is changed into
the west language by non-Muslims who have different intention to translate it. It is to
make bad bias of Islam in European, like Ludovici Maracci who is successful in translating Qur’an from
Latin into English, and also it is followed by A.Ross as the first translator’s Qur’an in English
language. In this cases, the writer chooses English translation of Qur’an by Yousuf Ali, because he is a
Muslim translator of Qur’an. More over, Yousuf Ali has studied English about literature and visited
several European countries as a student. He concentrated his efforts on the Qur'an and studied the
Qur'anic commentaries beginning with those written in early days of Islamic history. Yousuf Ali's
most important work was his book The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary, published in
Yousuf Ali was an outspoken
supporter of the Indiancontribution to the Allied effort in World War I. He was a respected intellectual in
India andSir Muhammed Iqbal recruited him to be the principal of Islamic College, Lahore. Later in
his life, he went to England and was
buried in the Muslim’s cemetery
at Brookwood, Surrey,
near Woking, near
another translator of
the Qur'an, Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall.
Based on the explanation above,
the writer learns the English translation of Holy Qur’an of surah AL-Rohman by using Diane Bonstain of
tree diagram theory. It is to integrate religion and knowledge. In this university that Islamic
religion’s background, al-Qur’an is as the basic life for the Moslem, while the syntax is the knowledge
that analyzes the system of word. Both of them can be integrated into one research to increase
knowledge. In this research writer just focuses on the Yusuf Ali’s translation of surah AL-Rohman.
The writer chooses this object because Surah ALRohman contains the education of
language for humanbeing. Like, Allah teaches human kind speaking up. We can find out this education on
thefour verses in surah AL-Rohman It means that Allah teaches language for man and
in the Surah-AL-Rohman, Allah also gives some warnings to human beings about affection and
enjoyability. Allah uses statements that are repeated until thirty-one times in the question form.
This question form is unusual used in the others Surah in Holly Qur’an.
The writer is inspired to apply
the Bonstain’s theory of tree diagram. So, the writer chooses the
title A Syntactic
Analysis on Abdallah
Yousuf Ali ’s
English Translation of
Surah ALRahman by Using Diane
Bonstain ‘s Theory of Tree Diagram.
1.2. Problem of the Study As
mentioned in the
background of study
above, this study is
intended to study
about syntactical analysis on
Surah Al-Rohman. There is problem needed to be answered and formulated as follow: What syntactic patterns are used in Yousuf
Ali’s English translation of Surah Al-Rohman based on the theory of transformational
grammar suggested by Diane D. Bonstein? 1.3.
Objective of the Study The objectives of
this study is to describe the surface structure used in the English translation
Surah Al-Rohman by
using theory of
tree diagrams, to
elaborate surface structures
which are used in Yousuf Ali ’s English translation of
Surah Al-Rohman.
1.4. Significance of the Study The
results of this study are supposed to let the readers who want to conduct
research in the same topic have both
theoretical and practical contributions on the syntactical area. Theoretically,
the results of this study are intended
to be one ofthe sources in syntax particularly on the syntactic analysis on the English translation of Holy
Qur’an using theory of tree diagrams.

English Literature:A Syntactic Analysis on Abdallah Yousuf Ali ’s English Translation of Surah AL- Rahman by Using Diane Bornstain ‘s Theory of Tree Diagram

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