Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Study on the Translation Procedures Used in Kabara”

In this
chapter, the researcher presents backgroundof the study, statements of the
problem, objectives of
the study, significances of the
study, scope and limitation
of the study and definition of the key terms.
1. 1 Background of the Study As
a member of
international society, Indonesia
has to cooperate with another
country. This cooperation covers many fields, for instance: education, politic,
technology, art, economic
and so on.
So, Indonesia has
to open and introduce
its potential culture, society, tourism and promote their product to the world.
In this case,
English become an
international language, a
bridge between the
country and the
international society. Moreover,
Soedarno (1991:1) in
Helami, Ichwan (2002)
states that ”the
more Indonesian participates in the midst of international
world, the more we feel the need in mastering
English both in oral and written form”.
These activities cover skills in
translating text from Indonesian language into foreign languages, especially English.
In this sense,
it needs a
very good translation
skill to do it.
Furthermore, God
also instruct us
to translate the
language that we
cannot understand. It can be
found in the surah yusuf : 2.
Al-qur’an in surah Yusuf: 2: said
that We have sent it down as an Arabic
qur’an, in order that ye may learn wisdom.
(Yusuf: 2) From
that statement, the
researcher interprets that we
have to translate from one language to another language in order
to understand the meaning or the content
of Holy Qur’an.
On the contrary,
we do not
only have to understand Holy
Qur’an but also
all knowledge. We
are instructed to understand and
translate knowledge because
we are instructed
to get the information
knowledge. Nonetheless, we
should also transfer
our knowledge to another people.
Al-Hadits said that The content of the Hadits above instruct us to
transfer our knowledge to another
people, although one sentence. Nonetheless,we may not transfer our knowledge
just to the
people whose same
religion with us,
we transfer our knowledge to
all people without
seeing different religion,
country and the other. We
should inform about
our tradition or
culture, tourism and
the product to
another country. To
inform those, we
need a language
that is understandable
by foreigners. In
the contrary, there
are some sources
of knowledge such us book,
magazine, newspaper and theother
are written by Indonesian
language. It will be a problem for the foreigners who want to know about Indonesia. So, in this sense,
translation skill is needed, especially from Indonesian into English.
There are
some works of
translations, from Indonesian
into English still use
Indonesian structure. It happens because translator’s low in mastering the techniques
of translation. In
addition, in the
process of translation,
each translator has
different ways in
translating vocabulary and
grammatical structure. Meanwhile,
a translator may not add, lessen or change the message of
the original text.
Then, a translator
may not use
the system of
source language in target
language in translating language, because it will damage the meaning or the message of the text and the
text will not be understood by the reader, the
reader will misunderstand
the translation and
it will cause
the translation quality
become low. The
fact shows that many
works of translations
available in this
country are the
product of individual
and unprofessional translator
(Cahyani, 2004:1). This condition, of course, seems to
be ponderous. In
one way, we
need to encourage
our people to do translation,
yet, in another
way; the quality
of their translation
is still questionable and unsatisfactory. From those
phenomenons, it seems important to do
research in this scope.
Translation is a part of applied
linguistic area. Applied linguistic is a study of the applications, methods and results of
linguistics. Then, Nida and Taber (1982:
12) see translating as a process of reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source
language message, first, in the term of
meaning and secondly in terms of style. It meansto be a good translator, a person
needs to have
a wide perception;
he should have
enough knowledge about
two languages used
in the process
of transferring the
message from a source
language (SL) into a target language (TL) orreceptor language (RL).
The translator
also need a
certain knowledge such
us theory of
translation, procedure or
strategy of translation and language skill or at least the definition of translation itself.
Suryawinata and Hariyanto
(2003:67-70) states that translation
procedure is technical devices to
translate phrase by phrase or sentence
by sentence. It means that
translation procedure is a way
to translate from
one language to another. Furthermore,
they stated that
there are two
kinds of translation procedure. First is structural procedure which
relates to structure of sentence and
second is semantic procedure which relates to meaning of sentence. The researcher uses this theory because
Suryawinata andHariyanto in this theory divide
translation procedure into two types (structure and semantic procedure).
It makes the reader more
understand and makes the researcher get easiness in analyzing
the data. Moreover,
this theory is
more complete than
another. It makes
every translator have
many ways in
translating the text
of language.
Then, this theory is mostly used
by translator whenthey translate the text of language.
This study
analyzes the translation
procedure and the
appropriateness of translation. It means that the researcher
analyzes translation procedure used by translator
and how its appropriateness of translation in translating the text in Kabara magazine from Indonesia to English.
Kabara is a magazine which is made by
some employers and
given for the
employee and employers
in the Kaltim
Prime Coal (KPC).
The information in
this magazine is
written by Indonesian
and English language.
It tells about
science, education, KPC’s production
plan and bustle of the international conference.
There are
many motivations from
the researcher in
choosing Kabara magazine.
First, it is
written by two
languages, Indonesian and
English language in one edition
and one magazine. Moreover,it is a unique magazine because most of the magazine in Indonesia is
written just Indonesian or just English. Second,
it is the
only one that
is translated from
Indonesian into English
that is aimed
to the foreigners
and Indonesian people.
Third, the language
in this magazine
has many varieties
of translation procedures
and some inappropriate
In this
study, the researcher
uses two previous
studies related with
this study, they
are “translation procedures
analysis on the subtitle
of discovery channel school “understanding oceans” by Arif
Furqon (2005) and “study on the appropriateness of
translation used in
zietzsche: a beginner’s
guide” by Rizqi (2006).

English Literature:A Study on the Translation Procedures Used in Kabara”

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