Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Study on Compounding Process in the English Translation of Surah Luqman by Dr. Muhammad Taqiud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan

This chapter discusses of
background of the study, problem of the study, objectives of the study, scope
and the limitation of the study, significance of the study, definition of the
key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Human
being is a social creature that always makes social interaction with others, to
make enjoyable interaction they need language. Language is the main instrument
of communication; it cannot be separated from human being. As Allah Said in
Holy Koran: And of mankind is he who
purchases idle talks (i.e.music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path
of Allâh without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allâh, the Verses of the
Qur'ân) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the
Hell-fire). (Luqman:6) From the verse above we can understand the importance of
language for us as human being; studying language seriously we can speak more
fluently and clearly and can be understood by the other people. Whereas, in
doing any communication, people always try to get mutual understanding because
bad communication can lead to a complete breakdown in relationship and cause
misunderstanding that often lead to a conflict between elements in social
structure (Rahardjo, 2004:1) We use language to express our feeling, response
the phenomena, share an idea, and also criticize many of texts and script. Due
this fact, all people realize that language takes an important role in their
daily life as long as they live, when they want to transfer their ideas to others
the media to say must be a language.
Language is an instrument of community to
convey the meanings that roughly uniform among the members of community and are
thus readily conveyed and understood. Language plays an important role in our daily
life (Bloomfield, 1995:1) Language can be used not only of communication but also
as means to express our feelings, ideas, thoughts, and whatever exists in our mind.
A musician, for instance, expresses his feeling or idea by using a language
that is composed in the form of song. Although someone does not express his/her
sadness, happiness, and also nervousness verbally, we can see it from the
language that is used or uttered. The nervousness of a speaker, for example,
who is delivering a speech on the stage and in front of many people, can be
seen from his language. From statement above, it can be concluded that language
is a system of an arbitrary instrument used by the human to communicate and
have interaction with each other. When the reader tries to understand the
language, they must understand which the diction of words used by human being.
Because by understanding the diction of words we can speak well and it can be
understood by other people.It means that the words used in
daily communication are available because of new words creation. When people
speak English they must use the right words, for example they use words which
are created and combined with compounding process.
However, most people do not
realize that they use words creation in their daily conversation. (Yule 2006:
50) states compounding words such as “bathroom” this often happens when speaker
compound new words to name previously nonexistent object that result from using
the compound process. Bathroom means a place which people use to take a bath.
And new words can be formed from already existing words.
This process is known as
New words are created by speakers
or writers in different ways. New words creation can be created by combining
some words which exist before, or taking some old words and shorten them become
new one, and also taking some words then blend them with other words become new
form. Another way is taking from other language to enrich vocabulary. Same as
the researcher do in this research; the researcher tries to use the word
formation to find the new word that used in the text. The writer uses Yule’s
theory (2006:51) which states that word- formation process consist of nine categories,
those are word coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, back
formation, conversion, acronyms, affixes, and multiple processes. People especially
the readers just know word formation which exist how without knowing the
process of it. In fact, word formation is not always used in college books, but
also in many kinds of articles and translation, there are many kinds of English
word formation processes. Especially in translation and articles they are used
to enrich the language in the translation, one of them is process of
Compounding process is one of the
subjects discussed in morphology.
Compounding process concerns with
the process of how a particular term is formed.
Using the definition as the
basis, it becomes possible to trace which process that had been undergone
behind particular terms, including in English translation of Surah Luqman.
Compounding is a very productive source of new terms in English. For instance,
the word ‘ape’ (noun) can be combined with ‘the man’ (noun) to form the noun
ape man; and ‘the sick’ can be combined with the noun ‘room’ to form the compound
noun sick room. Here are the important and the unique items we should remember,
concerning with compounding.
The researcher tries to expose
the compounding word in the English translation of Surah Luqman, because there
are many different styles in the translation of them, by analyzing and studying
of the authors in compounding word in their translation’s we can understand
well the use of the compounding word in translation and we can use in our daily
conversation, as we know that Holy Koran is the Great Book for Moslem as our
God speech. The researcher conduct the research from Akbaroni (1997) which
study the compounding word found in hello magazine, his research was related to
study of the present researcher, which analyzes word formation.
1.2 Problems of the Study Based on
the background of the study, the problem proposed is: what are the kinds of compounding
word found in the translation of Surah Luqman? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Related
to the problems of the study the researcher tries to find the object of this
study: to present the compound word found in the Surah Luqman.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the
Study The researcher only limits the
study on compound words which become the part of word formation. They are many
parts of word formations; word coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending,
clipping, back formation, conversion, acronyms, affixes, and multiple
processes. The researcher only limits on compounding process, because the
compounding word is common to use by the speakers of English language, and the
meaning of compounding word not only can be understood directly from the word
but also can be understood by analyzing from types of compounding word itself,
that is why the researcher uses the compounding word as his analysis.
And the researcher only analyzes
the translation of Surah Luqman and translated by Dr. Muhammad Taqi- Ud- Din
Al- Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. The Holy Koran published by King Fahd
Complex for the Printing of the Holy Koran Madinah, K.S.A. And also the Surah that
will be analyzed is the whole of Surah Luqman which is found in Holy Koran.

English Literature:A Study on Compounding Process in the English Translation of Surah Luqman by Dr. Muhammad Taqiud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan

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