Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Study on Code Mixings Used by Members of Scouting at UIIS Malang


In this
chapter, present the background of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, scope and limitation,
significance of the study and definition
of the key terms are presented 1.1.
Background of the Study There are many
languages used by people in this world, especially in Indonesia. From this view, communication is
related with our society. Wardhaugh (1986:1)
says that language is what a particular
society speaks. From this statement we
can see that language and society may influence each other.

We often use language in many
situations or when we do activities.

Kartomihardjo (1988:1) states
that languageis used whenever human beings are present in particular places, either whenthey
are accompanied by other people or when
they communicate with each other. He also says that human beings use language to think, to create illusion, or even
to dream. Briefly, according to Kartomihardjo,
language is the integral partof human beings and in the reverse, human beings cannot be separated from
language. Similarly, Nasr (1980:1) states that language is a part of culture. It is a
part of human behavior. Language is an acquired
habit of systematic vocal activity representing meaning coming from human experience.

A study about the way people use languagein
the social interaction is sociolinguistics.
Sociolinguistics shows the systematic covariance of linguistic structure and social structure and perhaps
even shows a casual relationship in one direction.
As stated by Wardhaugh (1986:12) sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society.

Sociolinguistics has been
described as the study of verbal behavior in terms of the social characteristics of
speakers, their cultural background and the geological properties of the environment in
which they interact (Gumperz, 1971:151).

To communicate with other people,
we must choose what code that will be used,
because code is to indicate how familiar and friendly one and others.

They usually select a particular
code whenever they speak and they may switch or mix one code to another. This matter is
important to be searched in linguistics because
code mixing is usually used by people in varied unique situations. So, based on the explanation above, interisting
the code mixings used by members of scouting
at UIIS Malang in their daily conversation is urgent to do.

This study research members of
Scouting at UIIS because they come from different
cultures, backgrounds and geographies. Certainly they have different languages and dialects in daily activities
such as Indonesian dialect or Javanese dialect.

From my preliminary observation,
they usually mix Indonesian and Javanese
language to make conversation each other. It is also stated by Wardhaugh (1986:103) that code mixing occurs
when conversation uses both languages
together to the extent that theychange from one language to another in the course of single utterance.

1.2. Problems of the Study As mentioned before, this study is to observe
the use of code mixing by members of
scouting. To be more specific, the problems to be investigated are as follows: 1. What
kinds of code mixings do members of scouting at UIIS Malang use? 2. Why
do they use the code mixings? 1.3.
Objectives of the Study Based on the
above mentioned problems, the study aims : 1. To
provide descriptive knowledge on the codes used by members of scouting.

2. To provide descriptive knowledge on the
reasons why members of scouting use code
mixings to communicate with each other.

1.4. Scope and Limitation There are several aspects that may influence
the development of language in the
society, especially about sociolinguistics, such as the style of language code switching and code mixing of language and
others. This research studies about code
mixings. It is based on the fact that many languages are used by members of scouting at UIIS Malang. However, this
islimited an interesting abaut that, the limited of this atusy are: The subjects of this study are only members of
Scouting at UIIS Malang and only discuss
code mixings among members of scouting at UIIS Malang.

This study is limited on code
mixing in Indonesian, Javanese, English and Arabic.

1.5. Significance of the study It is expected that the present study cangive
contribution to the reader. In theoretical
study can develop building knowledge about code mixing and develop linguistic study in Indonesia, in practical
study it can use by all the reader to understand
and know about code mixing and inthe future reseach it can be used as reference for those who are interested in
studying code mixings by choosing other

1.6. Definition of Key Terms From
the research problems stated above, this study focuses on code mixing that are used by members of scouting at
UIIS Malang. In order to avoid misunderstanding,
the key terms used in this study are defined as follows: 1. Code mixing occurs when a conversation uses
two languages together to extend the
change from one language to other language in course of single utterance. What will be analyzed hereis code
mixing which are often used by members
of scouting at UIIS Malang 2. Scouting
is the name of a student organization whose activities are usually in education area, and it is a unit of
student activities at UIIS Malang.

study, there are some theories used as foundation to solve the research problems. They are theories of bilingualism,
language choice, code mixing, and previous

2.1. Bilingualism There are some definitions of bilingualism.
Weinreich (in Rusyana, 1988:1-2) defines
that bilingualism is the use of two languages alternatively by a speaker. Based on that definition, there is no
level of bilingual. Weinreich’s definition
involves the use of three or more languages or multilingualism.

However, in Weinreich's
definition, the notion about bilingualism becomes wider, because he also argues that bilingualism
involves the use of two different languages
and two dialects or varieties of the same language.

According to Bloomfield (in
Rusyana, 1988:1), bilingualism is the abilility to use two languages equally well by a speaker
as a native speaker who masters his
language. This concept of bilingualism raises problems for many people.

Because it is impossible for a
speaker to use a second language as well as his native language. It is also difficult to
measure the criteria of using two languages equally well. Native speakers are divergent in
mastering their languages.

English Literature:A Study on Code Mixings Used by Members of Scouting at UIIS Malang

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