Senin, 17 November 2014

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Kids’ and Adults’ Slips of the Tongue Found in EF (English First)

This chapter consists of background
study, statements of the problems, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and definitions of the key terms. All these sections are
discussed as follows.
1.1 Background of the study As social person, human beings use language as
a means for interaction in their similar
speech community. Field (2003:4) argued that language is very important thing to be used by people in the
world to communicate each other.
However, when people speak to
communicate, sometimes they make a mistake in their speech unconsciously; it is called
speech error (or slips). Even though, actually every body wants to speak fluently, in the
reality,every normal speech contains a fairly
large number of such slips, which mostly pass unnoticed as Tom McArthur (1998) argued about that. So, a slip in
speaking isnatural because nobody is perfect in this world. Mistakes and forgets is humans’
characteristic as in Hadist said: Human
is the place for mistakes and forget (careless) (Haidhir: 2007). It means that human cannot be avoided from
mistake andforget although it is counciously
or unconsciously as like people wrong in the speech. So, it is natural when people’s speech is not perfect or error
(slips). Moreover, this mistake (slips) is sometimes trivial, sometimes funny. People can
laugh when hear this mistake. A slip is
the result of unintentional processes. A slip also is not bad grammar, idiosyncratic
speech, incomplete knowledge of a
language, and interference from another language or intentional silliness. (Tom McArthur: 1998)

Speech errors also are not caused by lack of
information but slips is unintended
mistakes. The speakers intend to utter aparticular word, phrase, or sentence and during the planning process
something goes wrong, so that the production
is at odds with the plan. Speakers themselves will consider the utterances to contain an error, and will often correct it
immediately, sometimes commentary on the
wrong as this was seen in the Jaeger (2005). There is anecdotal that such
errors are commons when speakers are
nervous or under stress. As an example, the researcher found slip of the tongue in a drama
performance like the following: Utterance:
“Don't you fake your shinger at me.” Target:
“Don't you shake your finger at me.” The
utterance of slips is actually an unintentionalmovement, addition, deletion, blending or substitution of material
within an utterance or between utterances.
(Fromkin 1973, 1980; Stemberger 1983). This means that the speaker says something s/he didn’t mean to say. Speakers
can often 'feel it' when they have made a slip. It is a sudden realization that what
just came out of their mouth was not what they had been planning to say.A slip of the tongue is one type
of speech errors. At the end of the th century,
the Reverend William A. Spooner, Dean And Warden of New College, Oxford, earned a place in history when a new
word based on his name was coined-‘spoonerism’. He probably would have
preferred a different reason for his claim to fame since the word was based on his
reputation, perhaps sometimes apocryphal, for producing speech error (unintentional
departures from what he meant to say) such as “work is the curse of the drinking classes”
when hemeant to say “drink is the curse of the working classes”, “noble tons of soil” for
“noble sons of toil” (Potter, as cited in Fromkin and Ratner, 1998).
Meanwhile, Sigmund Freud argued
that everyone seemsto produce slips of the
tongue; he was aware of this fact and in 1901 based his monograph, psychopathology of every life, on such errors
claiming that slips of the tongue resulted
from repressed thoughts which are revealedby the particular errors which a speaker makes. While it is possible that Freud
is correct in some cases, such errors reveal
as much if not much more about the structureof language as they do about repressed thoughts (Carroll, 1986).
On the other hand, a slip of the
tongue is different from mispronunciation.
Slip is a mistake that occurred
unintentionally andmispronunciation is incorrect or inaccurate pronunciation. The matter of what
is or is not mispronounced is a contentious
one, and indeed there is some disagreement about the extent to which the term is even meaningful. (It is interesting to
notethat even the word "pronunciation" itself is commonly mispronounced or misspelled
as "pronounciation.") Languages are pronounced in different ways by different
people, depending on such factors as the area they grew up in, their level of
education, andtheir social class. Even within groups of the same area and class, different
peoplecan have different ways of pronouncing
certain words. (Trevor, 2001) Furthermore,
slips sometimes can make the people misunderstand and get unclear information. It is not a crucial
problem because usually speakers will correct their mistake immediately. Slips can occur to
everyone who is speaking. Of course it also
can occur in kids and adults. According to Jaeger (2005) slips is the evidence
of language development for kids and
adults. This kindof errors in speaking can make one people interact with other people. They
are notfighting or angry when hear this mistake
(or misspeak); moreover it can make other people happy. The case above is one of the superiority of language which can
be said that language has power in human
society. By saying a bad word, it can make the commotion between people and become enemy to each other but, when we
saying a good and polite words, an enemy
becomes brother. Even, an angry man can laughwhen hear this slips (Gleason and Ratner, 1998).
Do children and adults show
qualitative differencesin error types and make the same general proportions of errors? If
there are obvious differences between child and adult of errors how can the differences
are explained? As Jaeger (1992a) argued that
children make all the slips that adults do, they makes errors that involve individual sounds, whole words and phrases.
Moreover, they acquire their ability to slip
as their language abilities progress. Furthermore a slip of the tongue cannot
be made on a structure unless that
structure has already learned or acquired, it means that a slip cannot be made consciously by them. It
goes unintentionally (Jaeger, 2005).
Therefore, this research analyzes
about the comparison of kids and adults slips of the tongue In
the present study, the data are gathered from kids’ and adults’ conversation in the classroom, exactly in EF English first
Malang. The researcher takes EF English First
Malang as a location of observation. It is for the reason of EF English First
is one of the largest language schools
in the Indonesia and it has good quality of teacher, facilitation, and good quality of
strategies in learning English for the students (EF English First, 2008). Absolutely, the
students in EF at least have known English more than other students in different course.
In the previous studies, there
are some researcherswhose studies in line with psycholinguistic analysis on slips of the tongue.
Those are mentioned below based on the
sequence of the years. First, Warren H (1986) observed about slips of the
tongue in young children. Versprekingen
(2003) observed about slips of the tongue in producing normal idiomatic speech. Nikmatur
Rohmah (2005) also conducted the research
about slips of the tongue on news presenters of Liputan Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV). She found type slips of the tongue
which can be classified into six types of slips. And Hamman (2006),found many utterances
that related to his study, such as silent
pause, repeat, retraced false start, unretraced false start, and stutters.

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Kids’ and Adults’ Slips of the Tongue Found in EF (English First)

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