Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis On Coherence Found in TITANIC” movie

This chapter presents introduction that
consists of research background, research problem, objective of the research,
significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research, and
definition of key term.
1.1.Research Background Arabic
wise words say: It means that the safety of human being depends on how they can
communicate well. If they can do it, of course every person will appreciate them.
In order to get good communication, we should use the right words.
Moreover, this case is also said
in the Holy Qur’an: "O you who believe! Be careful of (your duty to) Allah
and speak the right word." (Al-Ahzab:70) Lexically, this verse means that
Allah asks us to speak by using the right word, including the way of
communication, grammar, meaning and also the connection of each sentences or
utterances on the text.
Using connection on the text is
required on doing communication with others to avoid any misunderstanding, so
what we mean in our communication become understandable. Doing communication
without any misunderstanding means that speaking by using the right words. From
this reason, we can conclude that we need to give attention on studying connection
of sentences or utterances. One of the study which concerns about the
connection of sentences or utterances is coherence. Therefore, doing research
on coherence is very important.
Coherence is a part of discourse
analysis studied in Linguistics.
Discourse analysis is a study of
language in use either in written or spoken form (Stubbs, 1983; Brown and Yule,
1983; Cook, 1989). The examples of spoken discourse are debate, conversation,
lesson, and interview. While, the
examples of written discourse are newspaper, advertisement, students’ writing
assignment and movie script.
Coherence according to Halliday
and Hasan (1976) is created by the linguistic features, which implies that
there must be some linguistic properties of the text that contribute to
coherence. Furthermore, they states that there are two types of cohesion that
contribute to this coherence, one being grammatical cohesion and the other
being lexical cohesion. In conclusion, they argue that reaching coherence is based
on the apparent factors in the text, such as cohesion devices. While, according
to Brown and Yule (1983:224), the assumption of coherence will only produce one
particular interpretation in which the elements of the message are seen to be
connected, with or without overt linguistic connections between those elements.
The most important thing in interpreting coherence is the reader’s or hearer’s
effort to arrive at the writer’s or speaker’s intended meaning in producing a
linguistic message. Moreover, they argue that there are some ways in order to
arrive at the writer’s or speaker’s intended meaning in producing linguistic
message. They are: the principle of analogy, local interpretation, general
features of context, and inference.
Movie is a media for studying
language includes English language. It consists of many dialogues uttered by
the characters. This research chooses one of movie entitled "TITANIC".
"TITANIC” movie is a great movie. It is
one of masterpiece in movie industry. This is the disaster romance movie
directed, written, produced and edited by James Cameron about the sinking of
Titanic ship. Moreover, it also tells about the forbidden love story between
Rose and Jack who board this ship. This research uses “TITANIC” movie because
it has dialogues that there is no overt link between the utterances, however;
the characters can do the dialogue in coherent way. The example is as in the dialogue
between Rose and Jack, as follows; Rose: "Don't be absurd. You'll be
killed." Jack: "I'm a good swimmer" From this dialogue, we do
not find the overt link between these utterances, but some of us understand
what they mean, so how do we get coherence on this dialogue? From this problem,
it seems to be interesting to analyze coherence in "TITANIC" movie.
Some previous researchs about
coherence are Sugiyanti and Roifah’s research. Sugiyanti (2001) in her thesis
entitled An Analysis of Coherence Devices Used in the Students’ Compositions of
the English Department, Gajayana University focused her study on identifying
coherent paragraph in the student’s compositions through coherence devices and
identifying errors made by the students in using coherence devices. While,
Amirotul Roifah (2008) in her research entitled Quality of The Discourse
Developed By The Participants of "Java Overland English Debate
2007"focused her study on coherent, cohesive and intertextuality of the
discourse developed by the participants
of "Java Overland English Debate 2007". She used descriptive
qualitative method. After identifying some previous researchs, this research
focuses on the ways of reaching coherence and which utterances use all of the
ways of reaching coherence in “TITANIC” movie for completing the findings of
previous researchs.
From the explanation above, it
can be concluded that coherence is a connection from one sentence or utterance
to the next sentence or utterance with or without overt links. In addition,
coherence has the important role to make the effective communication without
any misunderstanding.
Therefore, this research is
1.2. Research Problems Based on
the description of the research background above, the research problem is
formulated as “How is coherence applied in “TITANIC” movie?” In order to get
the description of this problem, the research questions are formulated as
follow: 1. What are the ways of making coherence in the “TITANIC” movie? 2.
Which utterances use all of the ways of reaching coherence in “TITANIC” movie? 1.3.
Objective of the Research This research
has aim to describe how coherence is applied in the script of “TITANIC” movie,
to get this description, it uses the following aims: a. To identify the ways of
reaching coherence in “TITANIC” movie.
b. To identify the utterances use
all of the ways of reaching coherence in “TITANIC” movie.
1.4. Scope and Limitation of the
Research The scope of this research is a discourse analysis especially on coherence.
This research focuses on analyzing the utterances that have coherence uttered
between the main characters; they are Jack and Rose when they are in the deck
before the climax happened as the focus of the story.
This research will use the ways
of analyzing coherence by using Brown and Yule’s theory (1983), according to
them, some of ways in interpreting the speaker’s or writer’s intended meaning
in order to make the coherence communication are the principle of analogy,
local interpretation, features of context, and inference. On another hand, this
research does not analyze about unity and cohesion.

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis On Coherence Found in TITANIC” movie

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