Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:A Comparative Analysis Of Woman Physical Abuse In The Novels The Color Purple By Alice Walker And Women At Point Zero By Nawal El-Saadawi

1.1 Background of the Study  Literature is imaginative process as stated by
Welleck and Warren via  Wiyatmi (2006:
14). Literature must be able to produce an aesthetic creation  and try to transmit the needs of human life
and be a spot to aspire the ideas,  thoughts,
and feelings of the author about human life.
 Biography, social life, psychological aspect,
and also cultureof the author  are the
elements which can influence howhis literary work is. The authors  have these elements. It is not very surprising
if we look at and find out the  similarities
between literary works;however, the object of the works is  human. In general, humans in the world have
some similar characteristics.
 The diverse views on life, made eachauthor has
varied opinion about  something. In this
case, this variation can present many ideas in creating the  literary works. However, human life as a focus
on literary works, may produce  not only
similar perception, but also influence of each other. The study which  learns about how to see, analyze, and know the
similarities or the influences  among the
national literary works is Comparative Literary Study. The study of  Comparative Literature can construct them
through comprehensive and  comparative
 Comparative Literature is one of literary
academic disciplines that  combine the
similar literary works written in different languages which  connected with more than one culture.
According to Texte, Comparative   Literature
is limited to the study of a factual/ historical relationship between  two national literatures, as caused by various
social norms.
 Comparative study of Literature isa
cross-cultural study. The study  concerns
the literary relation based on period or 
area. In period aspect,  Comparative
study of literature can compare the literary works from two or  more different period. In area aspect, it
compares the literary works based on  literary
geography (Endraswara, 2011: 128).
 Comparative Literature is the study which is
used to look for the  similarities
between literary works;however, the purpose of comparative  study is to hold the aesthetic concepts in
literary works and to estimate the  quality
of literary works and aesthetic in literature (Endraswara, 2011: 129).
 Comparative Literature can be grouped into
four categories: (1)Themes  and Motives,
(2)Genre, (3)Movementand Trends, (4)Interdisciplinary  Aspects. Theme and motifs categories are
concerned with product of mind,  characters,
plot, settings, episode, and also paraphrase. Genre category is  about form and style. Movement and trends also
includes the generation of  literature.
Interdisciplinary aspects refer to relations among literary works to  science, religion, and art.
 In this analysis, the writer compares two
literary works applies thematic  analysis
which is focused on the theme as object of the study. Theme is an  aspect of human experience which the author
wishes to express in literary  works.
Theme indicates the object as the focus of literary work, and as the  main meaning of the work itself. Theme also
includes the definition of motif  inside.
Both of them are often combined. As theme, according to Goethe,   motif is a human spirit phenomenon repeatedly
appeared(Weisstein, 1973:  138). In this
case, the study which concerned with theme is thematic study.
 Thematic study, named Thematology consists of:
ideas of mind,  personality theme, plot,
episode and setting, and phrases (Kasim, 1966: 65).
 Ideas of mind is called abstract
ideas,according to A. Owen Aldridge (1969:  5). Personality theme is focused on the
characters, especially for the  protagonist
character. Plot, episode, and setting of the story influence the  literary comparison. Phrases often appearin
literary works. All of the  elements
above can be analyzed.
 Thematic analysis is one of the most commonly
used methods of  qualitative analysis.
Thematic analysis moves beyond counting explicit words  or phrases and focus on identifying and
describing both implicit and explicit  ideas
within the data, that is, themes. The method does not preclude theoritical  development. However, its primary goal is to
describe and understand how  people feel,
think, and behave within a particular context relative to a specific  research question.
 In this way, applied thematic analysis is
similar to phenomenology, which  seeks to
understand the meanings that people give to their lived experiences  and social reality (Schutz, 1962: 59).
Thematic analysis can be made on novel.
 According to Oxford Dictionary, a novel is a
long written story. Novel  provides the
complete story, starting from development of theme, plot,  settings, characters, style, and point ofview.
Novel tells about human life. So,  novel
is one of literary works which can be compared.
 The study analyzes two novels in order to see
the similarities or the  differences of
certain elements in theme of the novels with the different   language and culture. The two novels are: The
Color Purple by Alice Walker and Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi.
 Novel The Color Purple is an American literary
work, written by Alice  Walker. She is
the youngest child in her black family in the south. She  graduates as a valedictorian from high school,
securing a space at Spelman,  the all
black women’s college in Atlanta. She transfers to Sarah Lawrence  College and participates in an exchange
program to Africa. She began writing  about
black women living in America, seeing first hand the difficulties faced  by the people. Because her youth was so filled
with the persecution and  separation,
Walker finds herself involved heavily in the Civil Rights  Movement of the 1960s. Walker is one of the
earliest and most celebrated  contemporary
African-American writer (Walker, 1983).
 The Color Purple is published in 1982 to
instant critical acclaim and  popular
success. It wins, among the numerous awards, the Pulitzer Prize for  fiction in 1983, and was quickly made into an
Oscar-winning film in 1985 by  Steven
Spielberg. Walker is also the recipient of numerous other prestigious  awards and honors. One critic claims
that“Alice Walker’s best writing is like  balm: soothing, restorative, and earthy....Walker’s
lovely prose rarely falters”  (Walker,
 Novel Woman at Point Zero is an Arabic
literary work, written by Nawal  El
Saadawi. Nawal El Saadawi is a Egypt doctor. She has been known in the  world as a novelist and woman writer who writes
more about the Rights of  woman, named as
feminist writer, with international reputation. She likes to  write about status, phychology, and woman
sexuality. She has open-minded  related
to the equality ofwoman (El-Saadawi, 1983).
Woman at Point Zero is based on the true story. The story tells  about a woman who got death sentence because
of injuring and killing man.
 Firdaus, as a main characters in thisnovel, is
shown as a powerful woman  who can face
the problems in her life. Firdaus is a prostitude woman who has  worked in prostitution since she is young. Her
family and the social  environment make
her forced become a commercial sex worker. During her  life, she is always abused by men,
eitherphysically or mentally. Firdaus wants  to get the freedom as a woman. Finally, after
she can not stand the men’s  abuse to
her, she decides to kill him and as a prisoner, she is proud of getting  punishment and for her, it is a way to gain
the freedom.
 Both of novels are talking about women abuse.
In The Color Purple,  women abuse
emphasizes on segregation also abuse for women from black  community. In Women at Point Zero, women are
really the victims of men’s  abuse.
 Abuse is a pattern of coercive and/ or violent
behaviors used by a partner  to gain
power and control over the other person, and it goes far beyond  physical injury. Abusive actions one person
makes towards another are  generally
intended to control the victim, or to make the victim submit to the  power of that abuser; however, it is against
the notion of equality of human  worth to
say that one person should beable to control another against the  victim's will. There are many types of abuse,
including: verbal abuse, mental  abuse,
physical abuse, neglect, and hate crimes (Patricelli, 2005).
 In this case, the writer focuses on physical
abuse. Physical Abuseoccurs  when one
person uses physical pain or threat of physical force to intimidate  another person. Actual physical abuse may
involve simple slaps or pushes, or   it
may involve a full on physical beating complete with punching, kicking,  hair pulling, scratching, and real physical
damage sufficient in some cases to  require
hospitalization. In particularly violent instances, people can die from  the injuries they sustain while being
physically abused. It is abusive whether  bruises or physical damage occur or not. It
may involve the mere threat of  physical
violence if the victim does not comply with the wishes of the abuser,  and still be considered physical abuse.
(Patricelli, 2005)  In these two novels,
The Color Purple by Alice Walker and Woman at  Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi, there are many
abuses inside the story. But,  the
analysis points at the physical abuse inside these novels. Mainly, people  who are abused are women. The term ‘woman
abuse’ refers to various forms  of
violence, abuse, mistreatment, and neglect that women experience in their  intimate, kin or dependent relationships.
These include current, dissolving or  past
relationships with husbands, common-law partners, lovers, dating  partners, family members and caregivers.

English Literature:A Comparative Analysis Of Woman Physical Abuse In The Novels The Color Purple By Alice Walker And Women At Point Zero By Nawal El-Saadawi

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