Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Analysis Of Intrinsic Elements In Terri Brisbin’s The Earl’s Secret

1.1 Background of study  
Literature is a kind of imaginative writing.
It reflects a problem of life  done by
human being. This reflection gives reality of life as what happens to man;  whether, it is sad or happy problem of life.
This writing is truly a part of man’s  life
or the summary of man’s life. Imagination is inspired from thinking of  something which relates for life, nature, and
fantasy. It can be restrained as one  please.
Terri Eagleton (1983:1)states that “ there have been various attempts to  define literarture. You can define it, for
example, as “imaginative” writing in the  sense of fiction-writing which is not really
But even the briefest reflection on  what people commonly include under the heading
of literature suggests that this  will
do”. The literature as imaginative writing not really true because sometimes it
 lifted up from someone’s imagination
ordream. A distinction between ‘fact’ and  ‘fiction’, then , seems unlikely to get us
very far, not least because the distinction  itself is often questionable one.Literature has many works, one of
them is novel. Novel is a length story  that
narates the life experience. Novel has extrinsic and intrinsic elements.
Extrinsic elements in a novel
relates to psycologi, history and sociologyon the  other way, intrinsic elements in a novel
does’t relate to other reference only study  of novel itself. In this paper, the writer
interested to analyze a novel which  entitled
The Earl’s Secret novel by Terri Brisbin. The Earl Secret is a good novel  to read because not only contains is social
value in the story, has so many    characters,
and events that contents conflict but also the theme of this novel is  about love. As we know, love always become the
most interesting topic to  discuss. In
this paper the writer would like to analyze the intrinsic of the Earl’s  Secret novel. Because the intrinsic elements
are found in this novel so, because it  novel
is nothing. Such as the theme as the central idea in a novel. Characters is  human being that plays actions in a novel.
Setting is the place and time in a novel.
Plot is sequence of events that
content conflict in a novel. All of them are  especially in a novel; it makes the writer
interested to analyze because without the  intrinsic elements, novel can not be written.
In this paper, the writer choses
thenovel entitled The Earl’s Secrret By  Terri
Brisbin because the intrinsic elements of the novel are solid and support  each others.
Finaly, the writer decided to
write this paper entitled THE INTRINSIC  ANALISYS
1.2 Problem of study  The problem of this study are:  1. What is the theme of this novel?  2. How the plot development of this novel ?  3. What and who are the charactersof the
player of the novel?  1.3 Objective of
study  The objectives of study in this
paper are:    1. To
describe the theme of the novel. Finding the idea and analyze it in The  Earl’s Secret by Terri Brisbin’s novel.
2. To describe the plot of the
novel. The writer shows the sequence of events that  contents conflict, then presents it in the
right order.
3. To describe the characters of
the novel. The writer describes the character who  play in a novel for example, the back ground
of the character,and the role of  character,
the characteristic of character and activities of character.
1.4 Scope of Study  Novel as imaginative writing has so many
interesting parts to elaborate.
Not only intrinsic elements but
also we can analyze the extrinsic elements of the  novel. So, when we want to analyze the parts
of novel, we need to choose the  topic
between intrinsic or extrinsic elements. And the most necessary is we need  to make the limitation of the topic. The
limitation is not only useful to make clear,  brief and the accurate of our explanation and
the analysis but also avoid confusion  of
readers in understanding the analysis and acquire good result.
Actually novel consist of many
intrinsic elements. There are theme, plot,  setting, character, point of viewstyle, tone
and others. But in this paper the writer  focused only three parts of it. The writer
will only concentrate to analyze the  theme
of the novel, The plot and also who and what is the characterization in this  novel. In addition, the writer limit the
analysis of intrinsic elements in The Earl’s  Secret by Terri Brisbin’s novel.
Significance of study  The significances
in this paper are:  1. Theoretically, the
significance of this study is the reader will understand about  intrinsic elements in a novel as literary work
in addition to add study of literature  of
a novel particularly about intrinsic elements.
2. Practically, the study can be
used asreference for learning and understanding  about intrinsic elements in a novel besides to
give contribution to some study of  literature
to readers through this paper.
1.6 Method of study  Writing this paper needed some data which
relevant to the paper. Without  data in
writing paper is going to be difficult to finish moreover it is going to be  error. To complete this paper the author
applies two methods to collect the data,  they are library research and internet. Method
of library research for finding data  is
collect some book which relevant with the analysis of this paper and copy part  of material in the book to be reference.
The method of study, the writer
uses descriptive qualitative technique to  write this paper. The writer collects the
quotations of the novel and selects the  quotations
which contents events. The quotation is interpreted and analyzed, from  the analysis takes the conclusion.

English Literature: The Analysis Of Intrinsic Elements In Terri Brisbin’s The Earl’s Secret

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