Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:(Indonesian – English) Code Switching And Code Mixing Found In The Novel “Kamar Cewek” Written By Ninit Yunita & Okke Sepatumerah

1.1 Background of the Analysis Language
may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or
to a specific instance of such a system
of complex communication. Yet another definition sees language as a system of communication that enables humans to
cooperate. This definition stresses the
social functions of language and the fact that humans use it to express themselves and to manipulate objects in their
environment. Language and human being
are two things that cannot be separated. The scientific study of language in any of its senses is called linguistics.
There are relationship between
language and society, such as relationship to object, ideas, events, and actual speakers and
listeners. Platt in Siregar in Code Alternation
in Bilingual Speech Behaviour (1984:66) says “Every language express in some way or other how people think,
perceive and act, in what state people,
things and ideas are and how they relate to each other. Words which express action, states, perceptions, etc., the
verbs occur in every language.
However, there are many
differences in the way they can be structures, what additional concepts they may express and what
other words may occur with them”.
There are some varieties of
possible relationship between language and society, such as first is that social
structure may either influence; second is directly opposed the first; third is that the
influence is bi-directional; fourth is to assume that there is no relation at all
between linguistic structure and social. This variant view appears to be the one that
Chomsky holds: he refers to develop a social
linguistics as a preliminary to any other kind of linguistics.
In general, sociolinguistics is
the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms,
expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of
language use on society.
Hudson (1980:4) says
“Sociolinguistics is study of language in relation to society”. Hickerson (1980:81) says “Sociolinguistics
is a developing sub field of linguistics
which takes speech narration as its focus, viewing variation or its social context. Sociolinguistics is concerned with
the correlation between such social factors
and linguistics variations social factors in this case are age, religion, sex, gender and occupation”. Appel (1987:10)
define sociolinguistics as a science which
focuses on a language use in social and cultural aspects. In using language there are some capabilities needed. In daily conversation
we also find some problems in using
language. One of the most striking phenomena in a bilingual’s linguistic performance is the occurrence of
the seemingly random mixing of two languages,
both within the two utterances, during a conversational exchange. This linguistic behaviour not only attracts
scholarly attention but also raises questions about the various features which charecterize
language-mixing. As Troike in Wardaugh
(1986:51) says “In every human being there are many codes and ways contained which is can be used by the people
to do their society play in role. On the
whole codes and ways in speak called communication repertoire.
By the existence of communication
repertoire above, some people have choice in many kinds variety of language. People are ally
selecting a particular code whenever
they choose to speak, and they also decide to switch one code or to create a new code. As Fasold (1984:208) says
“People can use two languages in conversation
by turns that depends entirely on the situation”. There are two kinds of code. They are code switching where people
can use two language in conversation by
turns that depends entirely on the situation; and code mixing where some people either use the elements from
one language in while they were spoken
in one foreign language.
Gal in Wardaugh (1986:100) said
that code switching as a conversational strategy
used to establish, cross or destroy grous boundaries; to create, evoke or change interpersonal relations with their
rights and obligation. Code switching also
is the consequence of bilingualism or multilingualism.
Suwito in Chaer and Agustina
(2004:114) devides code switching into two types, they are: a. “Campur kode eksternal terjadi ketika satu
bahasa dialihkan ke bahasa laindalam kelompok bahasa yang berbeda”.
Extern of code switching, it occurs when
one language is switched into another language in diffrent group of language.
For example: Bahasa Indonesia is
switch into English.
b. “Campur kode internal terjadi ketika satu
bahasa dialihkan ke bahasa lain dalam
kelompok bahasa yang sama”. Intern of code switching, it occurs when one language is switched into
another language in the same group of
For example: In bataknese
language, batak toba is switched into batak mandailing.
Suwito also devides code mixing into two
types, they are: a. “Campur kode ke
dalam adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”. Inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own
language into national language, the
element of dialect into own language.
b. “Campur koode keluar adalah campur kode yang
bersumber dari bahasa asing”. Outer code
mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element of their own language into foreign language.
Nababan (1993:33) says “Bilamana
orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa dalam
suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahsa itu yang menuntut pencampuran
bahasa itu. Dalam keadaan yang demikian,
hanya kesantaian penutur atau kebiasaannya yang dituruti.
Tindak bahasa yang demikian
disebut campur kode”.
Jendra (2010:75-77) said that the
grammatical classification result in three types of code switching, they are: a. Tag code switching, happens when a bilingual
inserts short expressions (tag) from
different language at the end of his/her utterances.

English Literature:(Indonesian – English) Code Switching And Code Mixing Found In The Novel “Kamar Cewek” Written By Ninit Yunita & Okke Sepatumerah

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