Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Equivalence Of Passive Verbs In J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows And Its Translation Into “Harry Potter Dan Relikui Kematian” By Listiana Srisanti

1.1. Background of the Analysis.
We live in a big and wide world
where all of us separated into some places  and countries. These places and countries have
different cultures, language and  way of
life. But with curiousity in every human being,we cannot bear ourselves  to find out what people in another part ofthe
world have achieved. We try to find  out
what happened in the other world, what kind of knowledge that they have  found, technology that they have invented, and
stories that they have etc.
In order to find out everything
that existed in the world outside of ours, we  use any kinds of media we have. And every
media using different kinds of  language
based on their cultures and countries. Language is used in the media to  tell about anything that happened or as we can
say asa device to communicate  especially
in utterance. Sapir (1949 : 8) stated that, “Language is a purely human  and non-instinctive method of communicating
ideas, emotions and desires by  means of
voluntary produced symbols.” Human has their own language to tell  stories and transfer their knowledge to others
but what if the others cannot  understand
the language that is used. So, asthe way to solve this problem, some  people begin to learn other language thatcan
give them the ability to do  translation.
For example, Indonesians nowadays are so interested in learning  English and Mandarin so we can communicate and
transfer their message by  using both
languages, whether by utterance or written, and can compete in global  world. People who can understand other
language do a translation in order to    transfer
the message in a text. Crystal (1987:334) stated that, “The term  ‘translation’ is the neutral term used for all
tasks where the meaning of expression  in
one language (the ‘source’ language) is turned into the meaning of another (the
 ‘target’ language), whether the medium
is spoken, written, or signed.”  The
translation process is a process that can be found in the existence of  language, in utterance or written text as
articles, journals, newspapers, magazines,  novel, etc. Translation helps us in making a
connection between nation,  transferring
the knowledge contained inthe SL into the TL and with a good  translation we can understand each other to
make a better living.
Translators do not only need to
know their source language well; they  must
also have throughout understanding of the field of knowledge covered by the  source text, and of any social, cultural, or
emotional connotations that need to be  specified
in the target language if the intended effect isto be conveyed (Crystal  1987:334).
“Translation is the rendering of
a text into another language. Applied in  literature, the term connotes the art of
recomposing of a work in another language  without losing its original flavor, or of
finding an analogous substitute.”  (
 When translating there are some rules
need to be followed. At least the  translator
should master the SL and  TL because each
of them has its own  grammatical and
structural system. So a translator does not only need to know the  Source Language but also should have a wide
and deeper knowledge of the Target  Language
so he can find substitute words in TL that are appropriate with the    grammatical and structural system in TL and
also fit with the meaning of words  in SL.
Equivalence is equal in worth or
value,force, power, effect, import and the  like ; alike in significance and value  ; of the same import or meaning  ( Equivalence in
translation cannot be considered as the  sameness
but considered as equal meaning in translating text in SL into TL.
Translation equivalence refers to
the equivalent relationships between Target  Language (TL) and Source Language (SL).
Nida (McGuire, 1991:26),
distinguishes two types of equivalence. They  are Formal equivalence which focuses attention
on the message itself, in both  form and
content and Dynamic equivalence is that based on the principle of  equivalent effect, i.e. that the relationship
between the receiver and message  should
aim at being the same as that between the original receivers and the SL  message.
There are eight parts of speech
and verb is one of them as Mukti (2008 : 6)  states :  ”Tata bahasa Inggris terdiri dari delapan
bagian, yang lazim disebut Part of  Speech,
yang terdiri dari : Noun (Kata Benda), Adjective (Kata Sifat), Pronoun  (Kata Ganti), Verb (Kata Kerja), Adverb (Kata
Keterangan), Preposition (Kata  Depan),
Conjunction (Kata Sambung), dan Interjection (Kata Seru).”  English grammar consists of eight parts,
usually called Part of Speech.
This Part of Speech consists of :
Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb,  Preposition,
Conjunction, and Interjection.
In passive verb sentences, the
thing receiving the action is the subject of  the sentence and the thing doing the action is
optionally included near the end of  the
sentence (

English Literature: The Equivalence Of Passive Verbs In J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows And Its Translation Into “Harry Potter Dan Relikui Kematian” By Listiana Srisanti

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