Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An analysis of materialism as reflected in Sidney Sheldon The Stars Shine Down

1.1 Background
of Analysis
 The term of literature has been widely known by many people in the
world. The term  of literature is derived
from Latin ‘littera’ means letter. It refers to the written or printed  words, but literary also can be oral. As
Roberts (1995:1) said, “literary refers to compositions  that tell stories, dramatize situations,
express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas.
Before the invention of writing,
literary works were necessary spoken or sung, and were  retained only as long as living people
performed them.” Literary is different from the other  informative writing such as geography or
history because it has different language in use.
Literary usually uses diction or
imagery, while informative language used the daily language.
That is why literary language
usually has implicit meaning and we need to analyze it. In the  other hand, literature refers merely to
imaginative works; it has identified particularly with  artistic forms of verbal expression. Wellek
(1963: 22) states that seems beat if we limit it to  the art of literature, that is, to imaginative
literature. Literature is a creative writing by an  author with aesthetic values, which makes
literature regarded as an art. Literature as a writing  from differentiates it from the other art
products, and its aesthetic or artistic values make it  different from other writings.
As we know, literature has three
genres. Genre means a type or a class of literature.
The three genres are drama,
poetry and prose (Peck, 1984: 1). The word ‘drama’ is derived  from Greek word ‘dran’ that means ‘to do’ or
‘to act’. Drama is literature designed to be  performed by actors (Robert, 2005: 2).
Therefore, drama is one of the proofs that literature is  not printed but is oral. Drama is interpreted
on the stage, while it is written it is not drama but  it is play. Poetry is part of literature where
the writer can express his idea, feeling and thought    in the most beautiful and artistic way. Prose
is a fictitious narrative kind of writing. Based on  the form it can be classified as romance,
novel, and short story (Kasim, 2005: 13) One of the forms of prose is novel.
Novel is one of the fictitious stories. Fiction  describes invented people and event, not real
ones. It originates not in historical facts but in  the creative, imaginative powers. It means
that novel is made by the author to express their  idea about something based on their
experiences or other people around him, but not all the  real story. As Wellek (1963:94) says,
literature ‘represent’ ‘life’; and ‘life’ is, in large  measure, a social reality, even though the
natural world and the inner or subjective world of  the individual have also been objects of
literary ’imitation’.
Literature and society have close
relation to each other as the extrinsic approach of the  literature theory by Wellek and Warren.
Society is a group of people with a shared and  somewhat distinct culture, who live in a defined
territory, feel some unity as group, and see  themselves as distinct from other peoples
(Persell, 1987:48). As Wellek (1963:94) says,  “literature is a social institution, using as
its medium language, a social creation”. It is also  said that literature is an expression of
society. The author himself is a part of society, he  expresses what he sees or he feels in his life
and environment. Literature is produced by  imagination of the author. It means that he
gets idea from surround him. The relation between  literature and society is usually discussed by
starting with the phrase, derived from De  Bonald, and that ‘literature is an expression
of society’ (Wellek, 1963:95). Some relations  between Literature and society are; literary
works absolutely is the part of society and use  language as the part of social institution,
literary works is for the reader as the members of  society, and literary works is a picture of society.
When we talk about society, it
means that we talk about human life. In our life, we  have primary need such as food, clothes and
shelter to live. To fulfill our needs we need  material. As Riddell (1944:104) says,
“materialism concerns the notion that what is basic to    the real life of human beings in their
activity in the world. To understand the world, we must  focus on real people and their day-to-day
activities – especially those concerned with  production for continued survival in this
world”. However, the time is changing and the  human’s need is changing. The material is not
only to fulfill the human’s primary need but  also it is for the more money. In this thesis
I use will apply Karl Marx’s concept. As we know  that one of Marx’s contribution is class
struggle in the society. So every one needs an  existence, to get it human need more money
than others people. As Persell (1987: 10) says,  “one of Marx’s central contributions is the
emphasis he placed on material condition and how  they affect social life”. Material becomes the
measure of the success. Human makes money  as a symbol of happiness because at the
beginning is considered as the life necessities turn  into human obsession to reach the happiness.
Because they think that, they can do everything  by using money. Time after time, money which
created by the people can control the human  life. “People begin to use money to facilitate
exchange of goods and services, but money  soon becomes an end rather than a means. In
these and other ways, people become alienated  from their own creation” (Persell, 1987: 11).

English Literature: An analysis of materialism as reflected in Sidney Sheldon The Stars Shine Down

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