Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Analysis of Conjunction Used in the Articles of Time Magazine

1.1 Background of the Study  
Language is one of the most important things
in human being, because it  plays a great
role in human life for making interaction. By using language  someone could make statements, convey facts
and knowledge, explain or report  something,
and keep social relations among the language users. These indicate  that by means of language, people can express
their ideas, feeling, information,  and
messages through communication.
Grammar is a body of rules
specifying how meanings are created in  English.
Veit (1986:6) states that grammar is a person’s subconscious language  knowledge. To be good in English we have to
know the grammar because it is one  of
the basic elements in English. Some terms that included in grammar are parts  of speech. According to Frank (1972:1) traditionally,
words can be classified into  eight parts
of speech such as noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction,  preposition, and interjection.
Ehrilch (2004:126) states that
conjunctions are words, which join words,  phrases, or clauses. It is divided into two
types: theyare coordinating conjunction  and
subordinating conjunction. Conjunction is a universal aspect of language, all  languages have conjunction. Without it, every
sentence will be short and unrelated  to
its neighbors and it will take a long time to say everything.
communication people use conjunction, both in spoken language and  written language such as in magazineand
newspaper. The function of using  conjunction
in communication is to tie a word with another word and a clause  with another clause. So it will help us to
understand the connection of the  sentences
or the paragraphs. International magazine extends the news from the  events all over the world by using English. Thus,
people who want to know more  information
have to learn English. Among so many languages in the world, there  is one language which is used more widely by
people in the different countries  such
as Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, America, Canada, India, Pakistan, New  Zealand, Philippines, and Sri Lanka, that is
English. (  List_of_countries_where_English_is_an_official_language).
Time Magazine is one of the
English magazines in Indonesia which is  published
weekly. Time Magazine containes of various articles, such as  advertisement, commentary, global
business,arts and global adviser. In this  magazine, the writer finds out there are a lot
of coordinators used, for examples:  1.
The Prime Minister said afterthe votethat he would seek a new, more  democratric constitution if he is re-elected
in 2011.
2. The home team lost
64-81,butmost Turks celebrated the factthat their side  evengot to the final.
3. But neither Washingtonnor
Seoul is prepared to rush into an early resumption  of the talks untilthey have a sensethat they
will deliver anything morethan  bragging
rights in Pyongyang thatit has forced the U.S. back to the table.
4. Because of its wealth
andgeography,only China is in a position to generate  solar energy on a massive scale.
  5. They
have ammased that hoard of cash, andare now growing on a average  20% a year, at a timewhen the economies of
Europe, the U.S. and Japan are  flat.
 From the sentences above, the coordinating
conjunctions are “and” to link  the ideas
in sentence 1 and 5 , “but” to show the contrast ideas in sentence 3,  “only” to express opposition or contrast
between two statements in sentence 4,  “neither…nor”
to express a choice between two alternatives in sentence 3. The  subordinating conjunctions are “that” as an
introductory word to the other  sentences
in sentence 1,2,3, and 5, “after”, “until”,and “when”to show the time  in sentence 1, 3, and 5, “if”to show condition
in sentence 1, “even”to show the  contrast
in sentence 2, “than”to show the comparison in sentence 3, and  “because of”to show the cause in sentence 4.
Based on the previous
explanation, the writer is interested in analyzing the  conjunction used in Time Magazine articles.
She took six articles in the Time  Magazine,
they are three articles that are published in  nd August 2010 and three  articles that are published  th September 2010 as the data source in this
Besides that, there are some
functions of conjunctions in writing articles, they are  relate the ideas in the following text
logically to each other and relate the  sentences
in paragraphs of the articles.So that the readers can understand it and  get information easily
Problem of the Study The problems of the study are:  1. What are the types of conjunctions used in
the six articles of Time Magazine  published
in  nd August 2010 and  th September 2010?  2. What are the dominant types of conjunctions
used in the six articles of Time  Magazine
published in  nd August 2010 and  th September 2010?  1.3 Purpose of the Study  The purposes of the study are:  1. To find out the types of conjunctions used
in the six articles of Time  Magazine
published in  nd August 2010 and  th September 2010.
2. To find out the dominant types
of conjunctions used in the six articles of Time  Magazine published in  nd August 2010 and  th September.
1.4 Scope of the Study This study
is focused on conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions and  subordinating conjunctions found in the the
six articles of Time Magazine  published
in  nd August 2010 and  th September 2010.
1.5 Significance of the Study There
are some significances of the study, they are theoretically to enrich  knowledge in analyzing the grammar, especially
the conjunctions and practically  to be a
reference for the next researcher in analyzing the conjunctions.

English Literature: The Analysis of Conjunction Used in the Articles of Time Magazine

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