Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis Of Sentence Structure Based On Generative Grammar In Charles Dickens’ A Tale Of Two Cities

Background of the Analysis 
Language is a means of communication. People use
language to express their  mind. People
use language everyday both written and spoken. Kentjono (1983) in  Chaer (1994:32) stated that “Bahasa adalah
sistem lambang bunyi yang arbitrer yang  digunakan
oleh para anggota kelompok sosial untuk berkomunikasi, dan  mengidentifikasikan diri”. (Language is
arbitrary sound symbol system which is used  by society to communicate and identify their
selves). As a means of communication,  language
has some characteristics. Chaer (1994:33) mentions there are thirteen  characteristics of language. One of them
is  “bahasa itu adalah sebuah system”  (language is a system). It means that language
is not only about words or utterance but  it also has structure.
Chaer (1994:35) also says that
language as a system has characteristics both  systematic and systemic. Systematic means that
language is arranged as one pattern;  not
disorderly or randomly. While systemic means that language is not a singular  system, but it consists of sub-system or
constituent. Each substance in a sub-system is  also arranged based on certain arrangement or
pattern which builds one system. If it is  not arranged orderly, based on certain
arrangement or pattern, it will make the subsystem be not functional.
Talking about language, we can
not separate it with sentence. When we use  language both written and spoken, we must use
sentence. Sentence is a group of    words
that express a statement or expression. A sentence is a group of words which is
 usually a grammatically complete
statement tied together and conveys an idea, event  or description. As said before sentence can be
used as expression. It is an expression in natural language, and it is often defined
to indicate a grammatical unit consisting of  one or more words that generally bear minimal
syntactic relation to the words that  precede
or follow it. A sentence can include words grouped meaningfully to express a  statement, 
question,  exclamation,  request 
or command. There are four different  sentences types according to the number of
clauses they contain: simple, compound,  complex,
and compound-complex.
Miller (2002:76) says that a
grammatical unit is built up from smaller units.
The smaller units (phrases and
clauses) are linked to each other by various headmodifier relations. In
traditional concept, heads controlling modifiers. Sentence  themselves cannot be described as occurring in
any particular slot in a piece of text.
This definition implies that the
sentence has a certain sort of unity, being  grammatically complete, and has a degree of
semantic dependence which enables it to  stand
on its own independent of context.
In theoretical linguistics
theory, generative grammar refers to a particular  approach to the study of syntax. In
linguistics, Syntax (from Ancient Greek syn-,”together”, and txis, “arrangement”) is the
study of the principles and rules for  constructing
sentences in natural language. Syntax has to do with how words are put  together to build phrases, with how phrases
are put together to build clauses or bigger  phrases, and with how clauses are put together
to build sentences   A  generative grammar of a language attempts to
give a set of rules that will correctly  predict
which combinations of words will form grammatical sentences. Generative  grammars can be described and compared with
the aid of the   Chomsky hierarchy   proposed
by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s  (
In the framework of  transformational-
generative grammar, the structure of a sentence is represented by  phrase structure trees, otherwise known as
phrase markers or tree diagram. Tree  diagram
provides information about the sentences they represent by showing the  hierarchical relations between their component
The network of relation between
the words of a sentence is called structure.
( defined that sentence structure is the  grammatical arrangement of words. The concept
of sentence structure is fundamental  to
the study of syntax while the sentence is the fundamental unit of syntax. The  concept of structure is essential in
distinguishing between the strings of words that are  well-formed expression in the language and
those are not. Specifying the function of  constituent is an important part of structural
analysis. It represents the structural  relationship
between words in a sentence. It determines the categories of those  constituents, and determining their functions.
In a sentence, there are
divisible parts called Constituents. The constituents are  arranged in a specifiable way. Each
constituent has a certain specifiable function in  the structure of sentence as a whole.

English Literature: An Analysis Of Sentence Structure Based On Generative Grammar In Charles Dickens’ A Tale Of Two Cities

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